Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Heaven Help Us


by Lauren-xo 0 reviews

'Cause I'm Sprawled Under These Cathedral Steps

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-10-21 - Updated: 2009-10-21 - 910 words - Complete

It didn't take long to get back to the rest of My Chemical Romance. They were all sitting near this cathedral, obviously wanting to rest for a while.

"Hey guys." Gerard greeted.

Bob looked up, "Where the hell were you two?"

At that moment, Frank looked up with a sad look.

"We just talked." I said.

"About what?"

I shrugged, "Nothing that concerns either of you." I let go of Gerard's arm and went to sit next to Mikey.

"Was it a good talk or something? You seem strangely happy."

I nodded, "It was a very good talk. A very...very"

Mikey just looked at me as if I had two heads or something, "What?"

"I'm never going to understand you am I?" He asked.

"I wouldn't try to." I said with a smile. I looked around at everyone.

Ray had his head down and looked like he was thinking. Bob laid on the floor almost falling asleep. Mikey just gazing round the scenery, whilst tapping his foot. Frank looked miserable and had his eyes closed, leaned back on the far end of the bench. And Gerard was, well looking at me, with a small smile.

I smiled back and looked away, most likely blushing like an idiot.

I stood up and walked down an alley where no-one could see me. I really needed to think. Earlier, with Gerard, it seemed so right to be held by him. I could never imagine that with Frank. But I don't like seeing them two not talking.

But, although I loved what happened between me and Gerard, I could never be with him like he wants me to be. I mean yesterday we were so close to dying, what if it happened again?

Oh yeah, Frank asked this morning, we are in Chicago, but a long way from Bob's family. We are trying to make our way to a familiar street so that Bob can ask for help.

I sighed. Why did we get shot? Who did this? Some crazed fan? No, not likely.

"I wanna go home." I whispered to myself. Home? Where is that exactly? It's not with my mom, she hates my guts the stupid whore. But I need to go back for my little brother anyway.

"Tell me about it." I almost screamed when I heard that, but calmed down when I saw Gerard next to me.

"Fuck Gerard, you scared me." He just laughed at me and I hit him lightly on the arm. Then he went all serious.

"Tina, that...'talk' we had earlier...why did we...have it?"

"Well, because...I really wanted to 'talk' to you. And it amazing 'talk'." I blushed.

"Really? I thought the same." He smiled, "So...can we 'talk'...again?" He asked in seriously sexy tone. I didn't have time to answer as Gerard attached his lips to mine.

"Mmm. I really like you Tina." He said against my lips, "I mean, really like you."

I didn't say anything, I just opened my mouth for him to explore.

As Gerard deepened the kiss, we broke apart when we heard Frank shouting for us.

"Gerard! We gotta go!" The look on his face showed fear and worry, but also showed that he saw us kissing.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked, a little worried himself.

"They're here!"


"The guys who shot us, they've found us and they have a van. We gotta get out of here, come on!" And with that, we ran out of the alley back to the others.

What I saw was horrible. Bob was in a fight with three men, Mikey was taking a beating from two, and Ray was being held at gun point by one, but I could see, that he too, had tried to fight them.

I saw one man turn to see us and smirks and whispers to the guy next to him who nodded at whatever he said. Then suddenly, a whole bunch of guys came running towards us, we tried to escape but we were surrounded.

"Frankie, Gee what do we do?" I asked, close to tears. I didn't want to die. Who would look after my brother!?

Gerard grabbed hold of my hand, and obviously Frank saw this because he took hold of my other hand.

"We'll be okay." He said.

What happened next was Frank being dragged by three guys and they started beating him, and he did nothing to stop it.

The same thing happened to Gerard and I left alone, being held by a big guy who was laughing like a lunatic.

"STOP IT! LEAVE THEM ALONE!" I screamed, which earned me a slap across my face, which stung like a bitch.

Soon, they stopped fighting and the hard guys went back in the van.

Mikey tried to stand, but fell back down. He spat out what I saw was blood. Actually, they were all spitting out blood.

I hadn't realized that they big guy was still holding me, until he picked me up and took me over to the van.

"LET GO OF ME! HELP ME PLEASE!" I screamed, crying.

Frank and Gerard tried to come after me, but were so weak they also fell like Mikey did.

"Leave her the fuck alone you bastard!" Frank yelled.

Nothing they said did anything. I continued to cry until he threw me in the back of the van and punched me until I passed out.
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