Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're My Best Nightmare


by Lauren-xo 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-10-24 - Updated: 2009-10-24 - 1501 words - Complete

Katie P.O.V
Shit! I'm going to die now!

"Katie, sugar, get your ass over here now before I drag you by the hair myself."

I began to stand, but Mikey and Frank kept me where I was.

"Guys it's okay, let me go." I begged. They shook their heads and glared at Gerard.

"What the hell Gerard!? I can't believe my own brother would do this."

"Stay the fuck out of this Mikey. It has nothing to do with either of you, just me and Katie, now give her to me!"

"No, Gerard." That set him off. He went to grab me, but Frank pushed me out of the way and they started fighting.

Scared, I ran to the bathroom and locked it.

I cried for a second before realising I had my phone on me, and I called the police.

"Hello? I'm locked in a bathroom on 69 Cemetery Drive. My friends are in the bedroom fighting with my rapist. Please help me." They said they would be here as soon as they could.

They got here in five minutes and broke down the front door. I could hear yelling, not just from the police, but from the three guys fighting.

Then someone knocked on the door, I almost jumped out of my skin, in fear it was Gerard.

"Katie? I'm a police officer, you have to come out now so you can identify the man you wanna press charges for." I slowly got up and unlocked the door.

I nervously stepped out as the police officer wrapped her arm around me. I didn't like being touched right now, but if I spoke, I feared that the tears would start again.

"Miss? Could you tell us which ones are your friends?"

I pointed to Frank and Mikey, and they were released from handcuffs. The police took away Gerard, putting him in the back of the car.

"Kathryn Richards?" I man said. He was a police officer also.

"Please call me Katie." He nodded.

"Katie, we need to take you to the station for questioning. Is that okay with you to do now?" I nodded and followed him to the car.

"Miss Richards?" The lady at the desk asked. I told her I was here.

I was at the police station. I needed to say what had happened in the last few months.

I hadn't called my mum yet. I'll call her tomorrow.

I went into the room where two police officers sat.

"Okay, take your time when answering these questions, okay?" I nodded.

"Right, could you say your age please?" I said I was 17.

"How long have you known Mr Way?"

"Since 16th August this year."

"Where did you meet him?"

"Back in England, in a club."

"But you're only 17, how can you go to a club?"

"I just said I was 18 and they let me in." I lied. If I said I had a fake ID, I could get arrested.

"Okay, were you two just friends the whole time you knew him?"

I knew I had to tell the truth so I did. "Erm, no, we went out for a week, until he had to come back here."

The officer nodded his head. "Was it a sexual relationship?" I nodded.

"If you met in England, how are you here?"

"I moved here with my mum two weeks after. But I didn't know he lived in this state."

"And I assume you met up again?"

"Yeah, in Starbucks on 30th August this year. He asked me out and I said yes."

"And then what happened?"

"I went to see my new school the next day, and turns out he was my Art teacher, I never knew what his job was before. He didn't tell me. So he decided to end it, which I understood but admit I was upset. Then on the Monday when I started school, he apologised and I said that it was okay and that we should just be friends. He said he was fine with that. We were okay for a few days, then he knocked me unconscious, and...yeah, I didn't know it was him, he blindfolded me. The next day I told him what had happened and he was really sympathetic and sweet, and it turns out it was him the whole time."

The women next to the police officer was taking notes the whole time I was talking. I told them the date it started and the events leading up to this moment in time.

"Okay Miss Richards, we'll call you when we have a court date, that sound good?" I nodded, and they let me go home.

Gerard P.O.V

Stupid bitch has ruined everything. Stupid little brother, can't stay out of my business. Stupid everyone.

I was at the police station, waiting to be interviewed but someone was still in there. Hurry the hell up!

Obviously I was gonna lie my way out of this. They have no proof about any of this. When I'm let go, I'm going to murder that slut!

Half an hour later, the door opened and out walked her. She looked at me and I just mouthed her I'm going to murder you soon!

Her eyes widened in fear and she began walking quicker out the door back home. I laughed to myself.

I was next to be interviewed.

"Mr Way, how old are you?"


"And you're an Art teacher. Is that correct?" I nodded.

"Mr Way, how well do you know Miss Richards?"

"Very well. Inside and out." I smirked.

"Mr Way, did you continually rape your student and ex girlfriend for more than three months?"


"Really? Because she seems to think you did. Miss Richards is very upset and shaken by the whole thing. Tell me, what can she possibly gain from making up?"

"Well, I broke up with her didn't I? She is my student, I am her teacher. It's wrong. She, Miss Richards, was obviously upset, and was probably waiting for the right moment to get revenge."

"If she did make it up, why would she intentionally harm herself?"

"Oh, she's just a drama queen. It's just for attention."

"Okay Mr Way, I'm sorry to say that you will have to stay here until the court date. We need to keep Miss Richards safe."

"Fine by me, but I know who is the liar here, and it sure as hell not me."

And with that, I was taken to my cell, where I would be staying for a week or two. Oh how great my life is.

Katie P.O.V
I next day I phoned my mum and told her everything. She said she would be home at the weekend, which meant I had to wait three days to see her again.

She told me the actual reason for going back to England. It was for John, but it was also for her.

She went to the hospital there, and she found out that she has breast cancer. I can't believe the bad luck I'm having.

My dad died when I was two, my brother was murdered and now my mum has cancer, oh yeah and when he sees me again, he's going to kill me! Seriously could my life get any worse?

Mikey and Frank have stayed at mine. They haven't let me out of their sites, fearing I might do something stupid.

"Really guys, I can handle myself, I'm a big girl now."

"We know, but you've been through a lot, and the court date is next week, so we wanna stay with you until your mom gets home."

I thanked them for everything. Apparently to Frank, I'm like the sister he never had. We never really spoke in England, but now I'm really close to them.

A week later.

It was the day before I was due in court. I really didn't want to go, but I had to, to make sure he goes down for a long time. The police said he could get anything from 5-30 years. I hope it's nearer the 30 mark.

Obviously my mum was home now, but Frank and Mikey have stuck around longer. They were so cool. Through this hard time, Cassie, Jess and Molly haven't even called me. I guess I was never their friend. Oh well, I have better best friends, the ones that are living with me.

When mum came home, she told me that her cancer was terminal, and that she didn't have very long to live. Six months at the most. I can't believe I've lost my family.

She said, no matter what happens, I have to take care of myself, and I was going to. I wasn't going to let her down.

I tried going to sleep that night, but I couldn't.

I couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow and how long he was going to prison for.

I want him to DIE in prison! So I can get my life back to normal!
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