Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're My Best Nightmare


by Lauren-xo 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-10-24 - Updated: 2009-10-24 - 1744 words - Complete

I really didn't know what to say to him. But I think he wasn't expecting me to say anything anyway. I just sat, thinking about...well, everything that this man had done.

Just thinking about it made my skin crawl, but then I thought about the day he was sentenced.

He got 10 years, right? Yet five years earlier, he's here.

"Why are you out early?"

"I got out on...good behaviour."

"You're lying." I said bluntly.

He turned to face me. "Katie, I would never lie to you. Ever! I only lied once, but I would never again lie. You are the only person I have been honest to about everything." He said harshly.

I didn't say anything. What could I say? It was true, he only ever lied to be once, and that was when he...the first time.

It was quiet for another ten minutes, and I was now getting tired.

"It's late, you should go." He stood up and held his hand out to me. I nervously took it and he pulled me up.

"You can't say my name, can you?" He asked, rather randomly.


"My name. Say it." I shook my head. "It's really not that hard, sugar. Say it." I shook my head again and tried to pull my hand away, but he gripped it tight.

"Let go of my hand...Gerard!" He let go.

"See, told you it wasn't hard." He was about to leave my bedroom when he turned back, pulled me in and his lips smashed against mine, just for a couple of seconds.

"I'll see you tomorrow, kitten."

I didn't sleep too well last night. I couldn't get my head around the fact that he Gerard was now back in my life. And I also couldn't get my head around the fact that he had changed so much.

He never even tried to do anything last night, except from kissing me before he went, but other than that, nothing.

It was almost as if I was meeting him again for the first time, like in London. I got to admit, I miss the old him.

And it all changed because he dumped me.

Today was my first date with Daniel, along with Ali and Gerard. I was excited but nervous that Gerard would be paying attention to me the whole night. Then I thought, was he using Ali to get to me?

I hope not, Ali is my best friend, I don't want her getting hurt, again. Every guy she's dated has hurt her.

I never went to work today. To be honest, I really couldn't be bothered, but no doubt Ali will come see me, and she'll bring Gerard with her.

As if on Que, someone knocked on the front door. I was about to jump in the shower, but decided to not ignore Ali's knocking as she would only break in anyway.

I grabbed a soft red towel and wrapped it round me tightly, and turned off the shower.

The knocking continued until the opened the door.

"Jenny!? Are you okay? What's wrong? Why weren't you in work? Oh my god, I've been so worried!" Ali kept frantically asking walking right at me until I fell back on the couch.

"Alexa Thomas, shut up! Okay, I'm fine, really. I just really didn't want to go to work today, so I said I was sick.

Okay?" I stood back up. Ali was looking at me with hate as I used her full name to get her attention. "I'm sorry I won't call you that again." Her face spread into a smile and she hugged me.

"Ali, honey, let the poor girl go, if you haven't noticed she's only wearing a towel." Gerard smirked.

"Yeah, sorry. Go take a shower and I'll make us some coffee." And with that she went to the kitchen.

I was walking off to the bathroom when I noticed Gerard staring. I stopped and looked at him. He had a weird grin and his eyes were looking me up and down, and when he finally made eye contact with me, he winked and followed Ali to the kitchen.

I sighed and went in the shower.

I didn't take long, as I had people here. Normally I would take an hour, most of the time I would think. I know, weird. This time I took ten minutes.

I hopped out the shower and blow-dried my hair, put on my make-up which consisted of; heavy eyeliner and light eyeshadow. My clothes were my usual style; grey skinnies and a white Paramore top that said Riot! four times in different colours. I got to admit I looked good.

"Hey here's your coffee. You look nice." Ali said as I came into the living room, where her and Gerard were snuggled up on my couch.

"Thank, and thanks." I laughed. "Don't you two look cosy on my couch. Now shift so I can sit." They moved up and I had to sit next to Gerard.

"So, big date tonight. Excited?" Ali asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm really excited. I've been waiting forever for Daniel to ask me out. But, I am nervous though."

"Why?" She asked.

"Well, what if Daniel isn't who I think he is. What if he wants to do stuff afterwards and I'll be afraid to say no, or I might say no, but he won't listen and I'll end up getting raped on the first date." By now I was almost in tears.

I didn't even mean to say that. I didn't want Gerard to see me like this.

"Awe, sweetie, every thing's gonna be fine, okay? You've just gotta learn to trust men again. Not every guy is going to be like that bastard to almost ruined your life five years ago." Ali hugged me tight as I quietly cried.

I took one look at Gerard to see he was scared. Scared that his current girlfriend knows about him.

"What...happened, five years ago?" He asked slowly.

"Can I tell him?" I nodded. She may as well tell him what he already knows.

"Well five years ago, Jenny dated this guy. She never told me his name. But it wasn't working out, so he ended it.

She was fine for a while when suddenly the guy rapes her, it carried on for months until she called the police. He got sentenced ten years, so he's still in prison. Jenny hasn't had a boyfriend since, she can't trust any member of the male species."

I cried a little more. I needed something to calm me down, and there was only one thing that did that.

"Ali, I ran out of stuff." I whispered.

"Don't worry, I'll run and get some now okay?" Before I had time to protest, she was out the door, leaving me with Gerard, the whole reason I was crying in the first place.

"You told her about us?"

"Yeah, but as she said she doesn't know who you are and thinks you're in prison. She doesn't know everything. She thinks I was born and raised in New Jersey."

It was silent for a minute until Gerard spoke, "So...what's this Daniel guy like?"

"He's everything great in a guy. Sweet, caring, gorgeous, thoughtful..."

"If he's like you say, then why are you scared of being with him?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, maybe because I thought the last guy I like was sweet, caring, gorgeous and thoughtful. I guess I got that wrong though huh?" I spat. Gerard said no more, I could tell he was jealous.

"Gerard. Don't hurt Ali. Please, she's my best friend and she has really bad luck when it comes to relationships. If you hurt her, I hurt you."

He looked at me for a second, trying to read my expression, "I won't. But I'm not staying with her forever."

It was finally time.

Time for my date with Daniel Johnson! I was so excited. I know it was only the movies but who cares, Daniel Johnson asked ME out when he could have had any girl in New Jersey.

I could feel my stomach doing flips and making me feel sick. I like the feeling.

I wasn't wearing anything too different. I was wearing a black corset top with red lace and black skinnies topped with my red chucks. Make-up was the same as usual.

Ali had come stayed with me, only to leave with Gerard and came back alone with her outfit.

She wore a dark pink top what said; "I'm a virgin! (But this is an old t-shirt.)" I thought it was funny. And she wore a denim skirt, a little short for my taste but whatever, she obviously wanted to get into Gerard's bed, and I wasn't going to stop her.

By the time we were done, it was 6:55, Gerard and Daniel would be here any minute to pick us up.

Just a second after I thought that, Ali opened my door and both guys were standing there with smiles on their faces.

"Hey." I said to Daniel, as he came in and gave me a hug.

"Hi. Excited?" I nodded. Daniel pecked me on the nose and I looked over to see Gerard and Ali kissing as if there was no tomorrow!

"Ew! Guys, stop it. Save for later...and at your own place, not mine."

They pulled away, "Sorry Jen, we just haven't done that in a while."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "What are you on about, I thought you only met Monday."

Ali bit her lip and looked away.

Okay, how long has she been seeing him?


"We've been seeing each other for...just over three weeks now." My eyes widened.

"Three weeks!? And I only just met him yesterday."

"Look, Jenny, I wanted to be sure about him before you met him, bacause I know what you're like with the guys I date. You watch them all the time, and I wanted to spend more than a day with Gerard before you told me you didn't like him."

"Ali! Can you even hear yourself? You should be thankful that I watched your last boyfriend! If I didn't, you would now be Mrs Alexa Cunningham, and he would still be cheating on you with that slut, Stacey!"

She nodded, "You're right, I'm sorry. And I am thankful, really." I told her it was okay and we hugged.

"Now let's go!"
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