Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're My Best Nightmare


by Lauren-xo 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-10-24 - Updated: 2009-10-24 - 1533 words - Complete

"Katie..." A voice whispered.

"Katie..." The voice was low and deep. I didn't recognise it.

"Katie...sugar..." I was laying in bed and I couldn't move or talk. The only noise that could be heard was this voice and my heavy breathing.

"You think you can get away with it..." I opened my eyes to see a face inches from mine.

"You think I wouldn't come and get you..." The voice was harsh in it's whisper. "It's time you pay..."

I couldn't see who it was, there wasn't enough light in the room.

"It's time you pay...sugar..." Whoever it was gripped my neck tight, leaving me fighting for air.

"I love you baby...but it's better off this way..." I started getting dizzy and my vision was blurred.

Whoever this person is, is going to kill me.

The mystery persons face moved closer to mine so that it was in the moonlight, and I could see who it was.

I was met with those familiar hazel eyes, tears running from them.

"Goodbye Kitten." He tightened his grip even more, if that was possible, but somehow, I managed to scream.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" I screamed sitting upright in my bed, in daylight.

I quickly glanced around my room scanning for anyone, searching for the hazel eyes that have left me too scared to leave my own apartment.


I sighed with relief, "It was just a nightmare." I reasurred myself.

Just then, someone came rushing through my bedroom door.

"Katie, what's wrong? I heard you scream." Tina asked worriedly.

"Nothing, nightmare, a very realistic nightmare." I told her about it.

"Don't worry Katie, as long as I'm here, he won't hurt you okay?" I nodded, "Okay, come on, we're suppose to see him today."

I nodded again, but I really didn't want to see him.

At Mikey and Frank's house...

Everyone was there. Mikey, his girlfriend Lily, Frank, his girlfriend Abby, Gerard and Ali.

I had gotten a key to their house a while back, so I used it to let myself in.

Me and Tina made our way to the lounge and within seconds, all eyes were on me.

"Jenny?" Said Ali.

"Hey." I said, to everyone. Mikey and Frank each got up and gave me a hug and said it was great to see me out again.

I looked at everyone's shocked faces, was it such a shock that I was out of my apartment? I was only there a month!

I didn't see Ali stand up, but she came over to me. I gave her a weak smile, but in return, she slapped me!

"Bitch! Where the fuck have you been? I've been convering every single shift of yours for the last month! You don't even bother to call me!"

"Hey! You haven't exactly been bothered to come see me did you!? Do you any idea how I've been feeling? I've been scared to leave my apartment because of what happened!"

"Daniel is in prison! He can't get you! Oh whatever I'm leaving!" She went towards the door but stopped and turned back, "Gerard?"

He looked at her, "Yeah?"

"I said I was leaving."

He had that confused look on his face again, "Okay...?"

Ali was getting angry now, "So...are you coming?"

"" This made Ali scream with frustration and she left slamming the door behind her.

What the fuck has got into her!?

"So, Jenny, who's your friend?" Frank asked.

"Oh yeah, sorry, this is my friend...Tina." Gerard's eyes glanced over at Tina.

"Tina who?" He asked.

"Tina Phillips, nice to meet you." She said casually.

Gerard P.O.V

"Tina Phillips, nice to meet you."

No, no, no, no! What the fuck has Katie done!?

"I need a smoke, I'll be right back...nice to meet you...Tina." I said nervously as I left the house.

I sat on the steps outside the house, smoking away. I tend to smoke more when I'm nervous, stessed or pissed off.

Right now, I'm all those things.

I heard the door open and the sound of heels stomping on the floor. They sat next to me.

She turned my head so that I was facing her. She smiled sweetly before she slapped, hard across the cheek.

"Long time no see Way."

"Likewise." I said, rubbing my sore cheek.

"Are you scared of me?" I shook my head, "Then why did you run out like that? I'm only here helping a friend."

I turned to her, "So that's the only reason you're here? Just helping a friend? Helping a friend do what Tina? Get revenge? I know you do after what I did, and it wouldn't suprise me if your friend wanted it too."

She just shook her head at me, "Gerard, nobody wants revenge on you. For you and me it was...15 years. That's all in the past now, and I never want to go back there. But my friend needs my help. She is terrified of you right now Gerard. So she called me, knowing that I had history with you. She couldn't turn to your brother or his friend for help this time."

I guess in some way she had a point. But I didn't realise I scared Katie so much. I feel like Daniel, and believe me it doesn't feel good.

There was an awkward silence.

" have you been?" I asked standing up.

"Quit the small talk Gerard."

"I don't give a shit anyway." And I came back in the house.

Katie P.O.V

I didn't want Tina to go out there. That will only make Gerard want to kill me more.

Gerard stormed back in, and I thought he was going to hit me, but instead walked straight passed me.

"Jenny, you can sit down you know." Mikey said.

Why is he calling me...oh yeah...the girlfriends are here.

"Oh yeah, sure." I said sitting down on the oppisite end of the couch to Gerard.

Tina came in after minute and sat in between us.

"Dude, I just noticed, what the hell happened to you?" Frank exclaimed to Gerard.


"Your cheek it's like all red and shit." He brought his hand up to his cheek.


Mikey laughed, "There's like a handprint on your face. Did someone slap you? Was Ali outside waiting for you and

then hit you or something?"

"Shut up." He said defensively. I couldn't help put pass a little laugh.

Gerard looked at me, and I stopped laughing, and looked at the ground.

"Fuck you all, I'm going home." Gerard said laughing and leaving.

Not long after did me and Tina leave.

I was on my own, Tina had gone shopping. I was just watching TV but there wasn't anything good on.

I was close to falling asleep when the phone rang.


"What the fuck Katie?"

The voice from the phone almost made me drop the last time he called me.

The time now was 11:50. Okay so they haven't been gone long. I may as well clean the house.

As I was cleaning the house, the phone went. I went to answer it.

"Hello Kaite speaking." I loved being British, if people don't know me, they always comment on my accent.

"Hello Kitten." I dropped the phone in shock, but didn't break it. I was close to tears and shaking by now, but managed to pick the phone up.

"What do you want?" I whispered harshly.

"I wanna know what the fuck was going through your fucking mind when you called Tina!" He said back just as harsh.

"I was fucking scared Gerard! You and me were on a good level, and you ruined it all so easily! Try and see this from my point of view!"

There was a long silence. I thought he had gone.


Another silence.


"I'm on my way to your apartment kitten. And when I get there, I am going to cut your throat, rip out your heart and dump you in the nearest river." He said in a low, dark, scary and creepy voice. He hung up.

Oh my fucking god the guys a nutcase! I have to get out of here!

I slipped on some shoes and ran out and jumped in my car.

I started down the road wondering what the fuck I was going to do.

I'm not running away again, that isn't far on my friends! I just need somewhere to stay for the night.

What about Tina?

Shit!...She knows Gerard. Maybe she can calm him down.

What about if she ends up dead?

She won't.

What if she does?


What if sh--

"SHE FUCKING WON'T!" I screamed to myself in the car.

What the hell happened to Gerard? We were getting on so well.

Maybe after losing out baby he just lost it.

Isn't it normally the mother that goes off the rails after losing a baby?

I guess I should've thought about him a little bit more rather than thinking about myself for once...

All this thinking is giving me a headache.

But I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts, when my car collided with somebody...
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