Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're My Best Nightmare


by Lauren-xo 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-10-25 - Updated: 2009-10-25 - 1928 words - Complete

Katie P.O.V One month later...

I could faintly hear beeping noises beside me, and just like that, I knew I was in hospital.

I opened my eyes slowly, fully aware of the amount of light in the room. The whole room was white, as I expected.

There wasn't anybody else here but me. It made me sad really. I thought my friends would be here. And I thought Gerard would be here too.

I heard the door creek, telling me someone had come in. That someone was a nurse.

"Miss Richards, your awake. Oh it's great to see that." She smiled.

"Hmm. Has anybody been here to see me?"

"Yes, three young ladies have been here. Two blondes and a brunette." Ah that was Ruby, Roxy and Sam.

I nodded, "What about a man. Black hair, hazel eyes?"

"Yes Miss, he was here the whole time. Day and night. He would never leave your side. That is until two days ago. He said he was going back to America for something important. When he told me this, I saw the pain in his eyes. He didn't want to leave you. He left a note for you though. Here." She gave me a quite thick envelope and left me alone.

I stared at it for a while, wondering what it is he's wrote.

I ripped it open to find a note, keys and...plane tickets?

I read the note.

My baby Kitten,
I'm sorry I couldn't be there for when you woke up, but had an important thing to do back home.
You'll understand when I see you again.
I guess you're wondering what the tickets and keys are for. Well...
I want you to move to New Jersey again, and live with me.
And I know it'll be hard leaving your friends behind for a second time, so there's a plane ticket for them too.
If they move, Mikey and Frank said they could stay with them for a while.
The keys are too my house. You remember where I live right?
Your flight leaves next Tuesday. Hopefully you would have woken up in plenty of time to pack.
If you're not at my house by Wednesday morning, I'll take that as your way of saying that you don't wanna be with me.
And I completely understand if you don't, 'cause lets face it, I haven't always treated you the way you should be treated.
And I'm sorry for causing you so much pain. I mean that Sugar.
I'm hoping I see you next week.
I love you always,
G xoxo

That letter left me in tears. He loves me so much, and that makes me fall in love with him even more.

But now I had to talk to my friends about moving. If they didn't, I knew it would be hard for me to leave.


Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I'm gonna be late.

"Shit! Where is it!?" I screamed to myself, accidently waking up Roxy.

"Katie, what are you doing?"

I stared at her. Had she not looked at the clock?

"Roxy, it's 10:30." I said calmly

Her eyes widened, "SHIT!" And she ran back into her room to get dressed.

I was still running around the room trying to find the note.

I found it soon enough, and smiled big. I folded it and placed it in my jean pocket.

About ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. It was Sam and Ruby.

"WE WOKE UP LATE!" They screamed.

"SO DID WE!" I screamed back.

The three of us ran back in the house grabbing boxes and suitcases and placing them in the huge van Sam borrowed from her dad.

"ROXY! COME GIVE A HAND WITH THIS STUFF!" I yelled to her. She came out the bathroom dressed and make-up done, bringing with her little bags of make-up and shampoo to chuck in her suitcase.

Within half an hour we had everything in the van, and were setting off to the airport.

As Sam was driving, she didn't care if she got a speeding ticket.

"What time does our plane leave?" Ruby asked in a hurry.

"Er...about two hours. It's gonna take forever to check in and everything. We're gonna miss the plane I just know it!" I replied, frustrated.

At the airport...

As we were checking in, with all of our stuff, one little message sent us insane.

"Flight 27565 to JFK, New Jersey now boarding. Flight 27565 to JFK, New Jersey now boarding."

"SHIT!" We all screamed, causing a few people to stare at us.

The woman checking us in, did her best to get all our stuff on and we then ran for the plane, only stopping to go through the...thing where it beeps. (A/N: I can't remember what they're called)

We carried on running, until we made it.

"Hurry girls, you're just in time."

We were panting, getting our breath back and shakily walked on the plane and tried to find our seats.

"Excuse me, you're going the wrong way. Your seats are in first class. This way please." I'm not sure about the others, but I for one, was gobsmacked. First class?

This must have cost a fortune.

When we were taken to our seats, we collapsed in them, and boy were they comfy.

"Which one of you is Katie Richards?" The stewardess asked.

"That's me."

"This was given to me, to give to you once you were on the plane." She handed me a smallish box and then left.

"What is it Katie?" Sam asked.

I shrugged, "Well open it."

I did just that. I carefully took off the wrapping paper, as it was so pretty I didn't want it ripped. Inside was a purple box. I opened it to reveal a silver necklace with a heart locket on the end. I opened it to see a picture of me and Gerard when we first met. The other side was empty.

I closed it, and saw that on the back a message was engraved.

I love you, G xoxo

A tear escaped my eye as I put on the necklace. My friends were just watching me, smiling.

"He really loves you doesn't he?" Roxy asked.

I nodded, "Yeah he does. I love him too."

"Katie? What's that?" Ruby asked, pointing to the box the necklace was in.

I looked at it and saw a bit of paper sticking out from under the cushiony bit where the necklace lay.

I lifted it up and took out the piece of paper and unfolded it.

I read it, and I think it was either a song or a poem. It was called Demolotion Lovers. And it was beautiful. At the end was another message.

Everything that is written here is true.
Maybe I'll sing it to you some day. xoxo

I placed the song back in the box, and then put that in my bag.

I looked around at my friends, and saw that they were asleep. I decided to do the same.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep within seconds.

I opened my eyes to see Sam shaking me awake.

"Katie. We're here now, lets go." She smiled. I smiled back.

When we got off the plane and got all our stuff (which was alot), we got outside where a man came over to us.

"Are any of you Katie Richards?" I nodded, "Bring your stuff with me, and I'll take you to Mr Way's house." I smiled when he said Mr Way. But the smile faded when I realised that was his name as a teacher, which brought back bad memories.

Once the van was loaded, me and the girls sat in the back and waited until we got to our destination.

After half an hour, I almost fell asleep, but the van came to a sudden stop.

"Okay girls we're here." The man said.

We got out the van, and my friends were pretty exicted to be where we were.

But I frowned.

"Excuse me. This is Mikey's house." I told the man.

"Yes it is. The older Mr Way instructed me to bring your friends here, leave them with your stuff, and get them settled in. Mr Way has bought you a car, here are the keys, the car should be down there. Have a nice day ma'am."

Oh okay. I was a little confused. Obviously Gerard knew that I would be coming otherwise he wouldn't have gone to all this trouble and bought me a car.

"Katie! Who lives here?" Ruby asked.

"My friends, Mikey and Frank, but I don't think their home. They're expecting you so here's the key, make yourself at home. I'll see you in a little while...maybe." I smiled. I was so excited.

Roxy hugged me, "Go on then, go see your man and have the best goddamn sex you've ever had." She whispered.

I laughed, "Okay I'll do just that." I pulled away and said another goodbye and went to find my car.

I found my car, and my god! It was lush. It was a Silver Audi A5 I hopped in the car and drove to Gerard's house, luckily remembering where it was.

I parked the car and got out. Suddenly I was really nervous. Why? I didn't know. I mean I love him and he loves me.

Maybe I think something bad is going to happen.

I reached in my pocket and pulled out the key for the house and quietly unlocked the door.

Stepping inside, I looked around. It seemed deserted, so I must have been alone.

I went upstairs to see if anyone was there. I checked the guest room, and the bathroom. The only other room left was Gerard's room. The same room I spent the night with him after he found out about my ex-boyfriend hurting me.

The door was closed, so I quietly opened it so see Gerard fully dressed on his bed asleep, and it looked as if he had been reading, because there was an open book on the floor, that must have fallen.

Gerard lay on his back, with his head tilted slightly so his fair was in his face. His right arm was down my his side and his left on his stomach.

I walked over and moved his hair away and softly kissed his lips.

He stirred a little, but didn't open his eyes, "Frank not now I'm tired." I held back a giggle.

Slowly and quietly, I put my left leg on one side and my right leg on the other, so that I was straddling him, still he didn't wake up.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his harder than before. Before he had a chance to kiss back I pulled away and he looked up at me.

Once he recognised it was me, his eyes went wide and sat up quickly, me almost falling off him onto the floor, but he caught me before I fell.

"Oh my god, I've got to be dreaming." He whispered, "You came."

I nodded, "I wasn't gonna stay in London when you're here."

He smiled, "I didn't think you'd move here."

"Why did you think that?"

He shrugged, "I thought you didn't really mean it when you said you loved me."

I pushed him back on the bed and kissed him passionatly, "Of course I mean it, you big idiot."

"Good. Now I think we should lose our clothes." He smirked.

"You read my mind Way."
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