Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Never Let Them Hurt You
I'll Never Let Them Hurt You
(#) _Amy_Revenge_ 2009-11-06
I kind of got confused a little bit.. You said he turned to Madi somewhere in there. Wasn't her name Claire?
Other than that, I LOVE the idea of this :) I don't think I've read something exactly like it.Author's response
sorry it origionally was madi but i changed the name to claire to make it more... me. XD
so yeah!
i'll update soon!I'll Never Let Them Hurt You
(#) vampyGee 2009-11-07
nice but i always hated the whole human girl crap, why not .......uh....make lynz a vampire and gee the helpless human?
yeah. i like that so much better
and the whole heath thing was a bit confused and i do not think it was needed
it was ok, but i know you can do better, so amaze me!Author's response
haha okay. Lyn-Z WILL be in this story, so don't worry.
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