Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess


by CyanideChild_ 2 reviews

Mikey and Frank reach the mall. WIll Gerard accept them for what they are? Gerard learns the truth about the letter, and realises his mistake..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-11-08 - Updated: 2009-11-08 - 842 words - Complete

Chapter Twenty one:Reuninon
Gerard was sitting in the middle of the malls entrance, an ipod cranked up to 100, and a piece of paper in his hands. Every so often, he'd tear a piece off, and let it flutter out the door way, into the quickly darkening night. SInce the night Georgia had faded from the mirror, Bob and Ray had gone out of their way to be especially nice, and pallish - even offering to play Donkey Konga with him - but nothing had worked. He'd gone back to being the same, moody Gerard, that sat and brooded and sulked. What he needed was an 'Iero Special'. A pick me up in the way of Frank, annoying him until he gave up and was happy again. Gerard sighed. She'd probably lied about that too. He mused, thoughtfully, Frank and Mikey are probably long dead and....
'Mikey, You are sooo slow! It took us how long to get here, and you cant even manage a hill!' The familiar voice rang out from the walk way, and Gerard stood up quickly, and saw a merry Frank dancing up the path, followed by a puffing and red in the face Mikey.
'Frank, godammit. I told you it doesnt count if you pushed me down four times...'
'Three' Frank corrected, 'You tripped over a stick last time remeber?'
'It wasnt a stick, it was a log, and it was sticking out and concealed...' Mikey had trailed off when he saw Gerard. Frank and Mikey stood there, and Gerard looked impassivy at both of them, his bloodshot eyes, taking in Mikey's new, hair, his lack of geekiness, how the vampirism made him look so much more of a man than he did before. And Frank, It esentuated all of the good things he'd had in life, his olive eyes, glowed brighter, his hair was a deeper black, and his skin just a little more tanned, his tattoos showing up radically.
'What, do you think you're doing?' Gerard asked icily, looking his brother and best friend in the eyes.
'Uhm. Uhh. We're back...?' Mikey staumbled over his words, and his eyes filled with angry tears. Angry that he'd known his brother would hat ewhat he'd become, angry that-
'Give me a hug motherfuckers, I've missed you!' Gerard roared, and Frankie squealed and leapt almost comically into Gerards arms, leaving Mikey standing there stunned. Bob and Ray joined the embrace, and they all stood, jumping and cheering, together again, at last.

'Gee? You in here?' Frank asked, knocking on Gerard's door. Gerard hastily wiped his tears, and hid the picture of Georgia, he'd stolen out of her purse when he'd first met her. Doing so, the locket fell out of the drawer and clattered to a halt in front on Franks feet.
'Whats 'tis?' Frank asked, picking it up and throwing himself down on Gerard's bed. Looking at it, he widened his eyes.
'Berts mirror! This is Georgia's locket that connects to the mirror! You've been speaking to her? We can speak to her?!' Frank was getting more excited by the minute, and was jumping up and down on the bed. Gerard scowled.
'No. I will not be speaking to her. She'll probably be too busy screwing Bert or something shitty like that.' He spat harshly, turning away as another tear slid labourously down his cheek.
'But, but, what? She hadnt touched Bert like that all the while we were there. And thats not for his want of trying either. Roses, candles, films, meals, throne rooms, dresses, the whole shebang. She loves you,' Frank grinned in conclusion, and Gerard turned his head away.
'Thats not what William said before i dusted him. Thats not what,' He choked on his words , 'Herlettersaid,'
Frank scoffed. 'Why would you listen to a vampire? He was a liar anyway,' Gerard looked at Frank amused.
'Hypocrite.' He replied with a slight smile. Frank winked, and dug the tattered letter out of his pocket. Dropping it down on Gerards table , he stood to leave.
'You might wanna see the true side of the story. Ray and Bob told me what happened. And i assure you, William was lying. She does love you. But you dont wanna be too late. it might influence her whole, staying human decision thingy...' He walked out the door.
'You read that and come see me after. I gotta tell you about this girl i met. Has anyone got a phone? I managed to nab her number....'

Gerard looked at the dirty paper in front of him. It condemed him. Damned if he read it, damned if he didnt. Either way he'd hurt her. Either was he'd accused her of lying. Either way, he'd told her he didnt love her... He'd lied...
Gerard opened the paper, and began reading the small letter that would break his heart into little pieces, and he felt the pain, much like she had, when he'd lied....
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