Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess

Try Me

by CyanideChild_ 1 review

Revaltions of the unexpected

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-12-07 - Updated: 2009-12-07 - 751 words - Complete

Chapter Twenty-Two: London

'Georgia! I can’t believe he's taking you to London! Im so jealous!' Sam squealed, rushing into the room. I hastily wiped my tears, and hid the last remaining mirror shard, in my new bag. I turned round and grinned widely, and Sam grinned back.
'By the way, do you know, Frank?' She asked, looking at her phone, 'We've been texting all morning, but i can’t seem to place him?' I smiled.
'You've been texting him? Why didnt i think of that??' I sighed and made a mental note to find myself a phone, 'Frankie's one of my friends remember? Mikey and Frank. He's the short one, with all the tattoos.' Sam's face lit up.
'Oh him! He's yummy! Why didnt you tell me sooner? He's so sweet, i bet he'd put Hershey's outta business.'
I winced. Ew. That wasnt cute. That was corny. Oh ew.
'Uhm. Sure... What about Mikey, I thought he was you're one and only?' Sam blushed and shrugged. We giggled, like school children, and Connor swept into the room.
Oh joy. Haven’t seen him in a while. Haven’t missed him either.
'Missed me?' Connor smirked, throwing himself on my bed. Sam and I exchanged looks. Neither of us liked Connor, and we'd often sit and have bitching fits about him.
'No. Not in the slightest. How's you're boyfriend?' Connor frowned not understanding. I smirked.
'William?' Connor snarled at me, standing up. 'I heard he was feeling a little, yknow. Dusty, if you get my drift?'
Connor was in my face at a breakneck speed.
'He'd better than, you're boyfriend will me, when i get my hands on him.'
'Oh Connor. You do tease’ I winked. He growled frustrated, and i did a victory dance in my head. I was getting better at this whole, bantering thing; Sam was staring into the distance, before the sound of the tardis rang through the room.
Connor and I took time out from our glaring/staring session, to look at her. She blushed. Excusing her self, she dug her phone out of her pocket and squealed. I guess it was Frankie. Or Mikey. Or yknow, whoever....
'So. You're off to London then? Pre-Honeymoon?' Connor asked, filling Sam's now vacated seat. I really didnt like having him so close to me. He made my skin crawl.
'I guess. I think he just wanted to take me back home for a while.'
Connor laughed, 'Yeah wipe out a few a English Allies while he'd at it.'
'Go die,' I said scathingly. He winked at me.
'All ready am. Guess what? Guess whose in charge while daddy’s away?' Connor giggled, a pale imitation of Bert's maniac like shriek. I glared.
'Hmmm. Well, It cant be William, 'cos your boys dust. So im thinking the next level of slime? You?' I smiled at him merrily. He rolled his eyes.
'You got that right. Me. And im going to make it hell for all your friends.' he cast a dark look at the door Sam had left out of. I silently panicked.
'In that case, Anika and me are very close. Like best, best, bestest friends.' i said weakly, thinking of the ways i could keep Sam safe.... Oh!
'Portal to London's Black Dahlia Castle is at Seven O'Clock tomorrow, baby.' Bert said sweeping into the room.
'Can i bring my servant?' I begged, using puppy eyes on him. I knew he wouldnt resist.
'What?! Why not?' I said affronted
'I don’t want you to,' He replied, opening my drawer and getting dresses out, rearranging things, packing things into a abnormally small suitcase.
'Well, I do. So I am.' I glared at him, while he turned towards me, a slightly amused expression on his pale and perfect face. 'Connor, go get Sam. Find me a mobile too.' I turned back to the mirror intending to brush my hair, and then felt the pang, of sorrow, as i realised, yet again, that it was just an empty frame.
'Thats my Vampire girl.' Bert whispered into my neck. But he was wrong. I wasnt a vampire yet. Thats why, in the next few moments, i felt the sharp sting, as Bert Plunged his teeth into my waiting skin, and drew mouthfuls and mouthfuls of my blood.
'Thats my Queen....'
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