Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Dark Past of Elves

Running Away From Danger

by Gamer191 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2009-11-18 - Updated: 2009-11-18 - 588 words

Briddor ran for hours never faltering or breaking step but running whole-heartedly towards her goal. Fred on the other hand had just lain limply for several hours while being carried by a girl to god know where. I think that my life can’t get any worse. He concluded as Briddor stopped with a start.

“This is where the worlds meet.” She said in a soft voice. She dropped Fred – yes dropped Fred who landed with a thump on the ground. Fred glanced about to see where they were. They were on a field that was lit by the moon. It was in its fullest stage.

“What is so special?” Fred asked not understanding what he was seeing. Then before she said anything else he demanded, “Promise you won’t read my mind.”

“Why?” She asked. A guarded question and Fred hated social politics.

“Because I don’t like other people reading my mind.” He answered the constant Sardonic edge in his thoughts coming out.

“EGO sudo per deus of veneficus ut EGO mos non lego vos mens vacuus vos.” She swore.

Fred didn’t know what she said but it sounded binding so he asked, “What were you saying about this place?”

Briddor sighed, “This is where Ledrith first drilled into the planet and made it come alive with his magic. He created the underworld. But this is where he started.”

“Started what?” Fred asked.

“Making us. The elves.” She said in a matter a fact voice.

“Uh-huh…riiiggghhht.” Fred said stretching out the syllable. “well thanks for the history lesson and every thing and I’m sure whatever cult you belong to will think you did a very good job but I need to get home.”

“Cult?” She asked dubiously, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

Fred snorted, “Well what else would you be, the elves?” He sneered mocking her. “Uh-huh right why don’t you preach to someone gullible or eat some poor baby in a tree.” And he started to walk away.

So quickly that he didn’t know how it happened he was dangling in the air being held by his throat by Briddor who was glaring at him. “Don’t talk about what you don’t under stand boy.” She snarled exposing two rows of pearly white teeth. You don’t know anything about which is happening to you. Ut EGO recordor totus vicis EGO spes ut vos Prolecto would videor quod ut is denique does he's vos. A scrawny puer quisnam est a infirme, non vel pervenio suus primoris century. Vos es a corrumpo parvulus vacuus ullus sollicitudo pro posterus of elves quod EGO reputo ut vos es non promptus ascio pallium ut prolecto. Iam permissum mihi persolvo…”

“What the hell are you saying!!!?” Fred bellowed at her.

She took three steadying deep breaths. “Nothing.” She said her voice low and controlled. “We’d better get on if we want to reach the safe point by nightfall.” And with that, she slung Fred over shoulder and started to run again. Well shit. Fred thought, Now I’m the damsel in distress again. Great just bloody shodding wonderful. Little did Fred know that the conversation would play a big part in his future. A very big part. Now all there is to do is get to the safe point and I can escape during nightfall. Fred thought knowing that it would not be possible, But hey, He reasoned as Briddor jumped over a seven foot wall, you can’t blame a guy for hoping.
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