Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Dark Past of Elves

Dreaming a Different Reality

by Gamer191 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2009-11-18 - Updated: 2009-11-18 - 433 words

There was a stone platform surrounded by hot boiling lava. Leading away from that platform was a stone walkway that lead to a door that shone with white sunlight. Standing on that lava, swords crossed were two men. One struck at the other fiercely.

“This is it.” One of the men gritted.

“To the death.” The other one agreed and they grinned at each other. They battled fiercely neither giving the other any quarter.

Then another man ran into the room. His robes were drenched with blood and a long seven foot sword hung at his waist. It was milky white. “We have to go.” He yelled.

“You go. I’ll hold him off.” The first man said as he whirled away from the other man.

“Not without you.” The third man called back to the first.

“Get out of hear.” The first man roared as he leapt at the second man. He was a hasty and because of this he made a clumsy move. He jumped, right onto the second man’s upraised blade. The third man let go of his sword with a howl of victory. “Oh.” The first man uttered softly and then he slumped to the floor, dead.

“NO!!!!” The thirds man bellowed but it was too late. There was nothing that he could do. The man, who was his best friend and mentor, was dead. “NOOO!!!!” He roared and the force of his yell sent reverberations around the cave.

The third man laughed, the ghostly sound echoed through the cave. “Amada lythuain tomean.” The man said laughing and he jumped high in the air and there was a cracking sound. He was gone. His friend’s killer was gone. He was…

Fred jerked away and yelped when he saw the ground flying past him at incredible speeds. “What’s happening?” He gasped.

“We are flying away from ravenous dogs incase you forgot.” Came the sarcastic retort.

“Oh, Saeth its you.” Fred said feeling relieved.

“What’s the matter?” Briddor asked uncharacteristic concern coloring her voice.

“Just a nightmare.” Fred said.

“Then go back to sleep. We will stop for camp soon.” Briddor said.

It was just a dream right? Fred tried to convince himself. But then why is it happening only just a little bit different. I read somewhere that dreams are supposed to tell us what we are really thinking but I don’t get how I’m thinking about violence and war. It’s very confusing. But, maybe Birddor’s right, they may just be dreams. His final though before falling into unconsciousness was yeah right.
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