Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Dark Past of Elves


by Gamer191 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2009-11-18 - Updated: 2009-11-18 - 497 words

Is that really necessary? Gabrielle though as she glared at the box on her desk. Of all the uncivilized ways to refuse they choose this? This is low even for them. Which was not strictly true, she corrected herself; in the dragon wars of 9015 this was their standard way of replying to requests. They wanted to be left alone. I should have respected that but still… She gazed at the note on her desk.

Dear Gabrielle Montez Spearla Elfa, Queen of the Light Elves and last Cion of the house of Natalie, We do not think it would be wise to join forces this early in the battle and so soon after your betrayal at the fields of fire 4,000 standard years ago. Gushnak immediately rejected your missive and so did I. Do not think to join with us any time in the future or we will be more aggressive in our refusal.
Vroug the Wise
Gushnak the Mighty

More aggressive, Gabrielle asked herself slightly hysterically, how much more aggressive can a nation get before we reach open civil war. Reflexively, she glanced over to her weapon lying on the opposite wall. Her weapon was a staff, about 6 ½ feet in length made from 10 dragons teeth that were shaped in the likeness of a cylinder. On the top of the staff an orb of black diamond hung suspended without any support of it own and coming out of either sides of the top of the staff, under where the diamond was suspended, was to half arcs of gold fire and on the top of them, one on each side, were two double blade knives. You will regret this Vroug. Gabrielle thought sourly.

Now she was faced with a dilemma that she did not want to deal with. One the first hand, the gesture was asking for war and she knew that the dwarves had been hungry for blood ever since their betrayal 4,000 standard years ago.

But, on the other hand, extending a civil war would vastly deplete both races armies. But what else could she do. If they kept extending messages of this nature, then she would be forced to retaliate and she did not want to do that. But what other choice do I have? She lamented. If they keep up this open hostility I will have to respond in kind and if I do not, then the council of Elves will have me off the crown and shall elect someone easily manipulated.

Yes, the council of Elves were a problem. The law, signed some 7,000 years back elected a group of 3 individuals to provide some order to the crumbling Elvin government. Each thousand years another individual was added. Their function as Gabrielle understood it was to pick rulers and make sure that everything did not descend into chaos as it did after the first Elvin war. I shall have to speak with them about this. She decided. That, is something that I am NOT looking forward to.
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