Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Dark Past of Elves


by Gamer191 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2009-11-18 - Updated: 2009-11-18 - 547 words

“Not again!” Fred complained loudly. They had landed in a rocky outcropping along the coast of the Atlantic some half hour ago. The she smashed against the rocks and the smell of salt air was seen as well as smelt with poignant clarity. In his hand, was Briddor’s sword…again. I don’t think I can take another session of sword fighting. He thought worriedly.

“Suck it up.” Saeth said as he threw his sword up in a circle and caught it. I’m going to die. Fred decided as he hefted the sword and stood up. Saeth wants to kill me. That’s it. He wants to kill me.

“Fred.” Briddor called by the fire.

“Yes.” Fred said glad to get out of fighting if only for a moment.

“Don’t think about fighting. Just do it.” Briddor said.

O.K. Fred thought as Saeth began to circle him, a lion about to pounce on his prey. Don’t think just do. Don’t think just do. Don’t think just do. And as he was saying this to himself, his mind began to clear until it was just him, Saeth and their swords. What he didn’t realize was that his pupils had shrunk becoming non-existent so that he eyes were just pure white.

“Get ready.” Saeth called and he ran at Fred lifting his sword over his head to deliver a shop to Fred’s neck. Fred acted on instinct. He ducked under the blow and brining his sword low, tried to chop Saeth’s knees out from under him. Saeth easily blocked the blow by sweeping his sword downward in a fluid ark. He flicked Fred’s blade and gave three short thrusts to Fred’s gut.

Fred rolled backwards again. I can’t fight him head on. Fred thought, but maybe I can just dodge most of his blows and get one or two shots in myself. Saeth however seemed to have anticipated his move because he flipped forward pivoting in mid air slashing his sword down. Fred didn’t have time to react. There was a sickening crunch and Fred’s world faded into blackness.

“Once again, not necessary.” Fred said once he had been revived.

“Ahhh but it was Allu.” Saeth said with a grin on his face. “You don’t want to get hit, then dodge.”

“Damn you.” Fred mumbled. And their fight resumed. When looking back on that fight Fred thought that he went into a kind of dream like trance. Where he was the master of his own destiny and no one else mattered. Where he was his own man and not someone else’s weapon that was used for other people’s agenda. For, as he knew all to well, moments like this because more and more rare. So, when Fred was finally done he could collapse next to the fire with his chest heaving.

“That was better.” Briddor said encouragingly.

“That’s for the tip.” Fred thanked her,

“That was pathetic.” Saeth said. This seemed to be his standard response after a sword fight.

“Would it hurt you to give a little sympathy?” Fred asked.

“Sympathy will get me and you killed.” Saeth said and on that happy note, Fred dropped off to sleep.
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