Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Dark Past of Elves

A New Power

by Gamer191 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2009-11-18 - Updated: 2009-11-18 - 501 words

The beast was golden and about four feet long. Its glittering beak was barred in a firm challenge of entry while its sharp, golden claws scraped impatiently along the stone ground. This was a legend. This creature was…a griffin.

There was a long pause and then, “That’s one helluva big animal.” Fred gasped out.

The beast snorted impressively and tossed its golden head. “Yeah,” Saeth said, “It’s dangerous alright.”

“So – what are we going to do?” Fred asked.

“I am going to fight it.” Saeth said simply and then he ran at the beast his sword raised above his head. He’s going to die. Fred thought in a panic. He’s going to get himself killed. Saeth struck.

The griffin nimbly dodged out of the way and retaliated with a furious strike of his claws. Saeth slashed his sword a few times through the air and then charged again.


He was two slow. He was knocked clean across the open expanse where he collided with the wall with a sickening crunch. He was still for a moment and then he got up, wincing slightly. “That hurt.” He snarled and abandoning his sword, jumped into the air and landed with perfect precision on the Griffin’s back. The Griffin bucked and Saeth grabbed two handfuls of the beast scaly neck as he held on while the beast bucked like a wild horse. “This is difficult.” He grunted.

He’s not going to survive. Fred thought. He’s going to die and it will be my fault.

“He’s going to be o.k.” Briddor assured him but she never took her eyes off of Saeth.

“No – he’s not.” Fred said with conviction. A strange feeling was growing within him. He didn’t know how he knew this – he just did. Saeth was going to die. And when the realization hit the feeling inside him started to burn a slow path through him. From his heart, to his lungs and stomach, to his throat, and then to his head. The feeling would consume him if he did not stop it.

“I need to help him.” Briddor muttered from besides him.

Not Briddor too! His mind screamed at him. He would not allow his friends, if you could call them that, to die. It would not happen. It could not happen. Suddenly, a phrase lept unbidden to his lips. If he didn’t release the heat inside him it would consume him. He opened his mouth just as Saeth got jolted off the Griffin. “Metāla ar sirdi!!!!!!!”

Fred eyes widened as the word left his mouth. What did I do? He wondered. Then the spell took effect. The griffin that was advancing on Saeth stopped cold. Then it screamed. A horrible sound full of agony. Then, it keeled over…dead. Fred instantly felt all strength leave his body. He looked at Briddor, “Well, that was interesting.” He said. Then, night closed over him and he passed out.
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