Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Dark Past of Elves

Dreaming A New Reality

by Gamer191 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2009-11-18 - Updated: 2009-11-18 - 339 words

There was a stone platform surrounded by hot boiling lava. Leading away from that platform was a stone walkway that lead to a door that shone with white sunlight. Standing on that lava, swords crossed were two men. One struck at the other fiercely.

“This is it.” One of the men gritted.

“To the death.” The other one agreed and they grinned at each other. They battled fiercely neither giving the other any quarter.

Then another man ran into the room. His robes were drenched with blood and a long seven foot sword hung at his waist. It was milky white. “We have to go.” He yelled.

“You go. I’ll hold him off.” The first man said as he whirled away from the other man.

“Not without you.” The third man called back to the first.

“Get out of hear.” The first man roared as he leapt at the second man. He ducked over the slashing head blow and with a grunt, he barried his sword into the gut of the first man. He let out a savage howl of victory.

“He’s dead.” The first man repeated dully.

“Yes he is.” The second man said with a feral smile.

“They are finally avenged.”

“Yes they are my friend.” The first man said as together, they walked out of the cave and…

Fred jolted out of sleep with a start. That same dream again…but again different. He thought in frustration.

“You’re awake.” Said the voice from somewhere off to his left.

“Apparently I am.” Fred admitted.

“Are you alright?” Saeth asked gruffly showing an uncharacteristic concern for his wellbeing.

“I feel week…very weak.” Fred said and it was true. He realized with a sinking feeling. I’m weak. Whatever I did was too much for me and now I can’t move. “Crap.” He said without much conviction.
“Crap is right.” Saeth said. “You royally screwed yourself up using that much magic.”

“Magic?” Fred asked.

Saeth smiled grimly. “I think its time for an explanation.”
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