Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Dark Past of Elves


by Gamer191 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2009-11-18 - Updated: 2009-11-18 - 326 words

Saeth flicked his wrist and a small stone rose from the ground to hover above his palm. “Magic.” He said and the word was a curse and a blessing at the same time.

“Magic.” Fred echoed dully not sure of what else to say.

“Magic is a powerful force, a powerful, volatile, beautiful force but dangerous still.”

“So…I just used it.” Fred said.

“And a Level 4 spell no less.” Saeth said.

“Level 4?” Fred asked.

“Well, you see, magic is divided according to levels of power. The more difficult the spell, the higher the level.”

“And how many levels are there?” Fred asked.

“Four.” Saeth answered. “Each person has a primary and a secondary element and most of their power stems from it.”

“Stems for a…element?” Fred asked.

“We elves get our power in phases…like the moon. Each of us has a moon phase where we are strongest and on the opposite phase, we have no magical power at all. Like for instance, if my moon phase was the full moon then I would have no power during new moon.”

“Oh.” Fred said. This was starting to make a little bit of sense.

“And our element corresponds with the lunar cycle.” Saeth said.

“What is our lunar cycle determined by?” Fred asked.

“When we were born and when we discovered out magical powers.” Saeth said. “Right now it is a New moon so that is your phase. Similarly, when it is a full moon your magical reserves will deplete.”

“O.K.” Fred said. This starting to come together slowly.

“Now the elements are as follows. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Metal.”

“Metal?” Fred asked.

“Your element.” Saeth said.

“My element is metal?” Fred asked.

“That is the interesting part.” Saeth smiled. “There has not been a metal elemental for over 5 millennia.”

“Great.” Fred said sarcastically.

“The great part is coming.” Saeth assured him.

“Crap.” Fred muttered as he prepared himself for more unpleasant surprises.
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