Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > In The Centre Of A Restaurant

Chapter 1- Concerts, Ditching, and Sneaking Around...

by TheGiinger 1 review

Meet Amy

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2009-11-20 - Updated: 2010-05-26 - 760 words

A/N Hey, after we had one good review, not long ago from the awesome SmashAuthority2, we decided to post the next chapter. The story is a tad slow, but magerly picks up in the next

couple of chapters ;)
Please rate and review!

Diclaimer- Blah, blah, blah, you know the drill...

Chapter 1


'Would you even turn to say?
"I don't love you
Like I loved you

We screamed the lyrics back to Gerard Way, at the top of our lungs, our hearts pumping adrenaline around our bodies, having the time of our lives. Getting water thrown over us to try and cool

us off. Coming to an My Chemical Romance concert had been a dream come true. Nothing could be better than this! When the concert had finally drawn to a close, we we're all covered in

sweat and exhausted from all the rocking out.
'You sure you've got a ride home?' Asked Rae for the 20 millionth time in the last 5 minutes.
'Yes I'm bloody well sure okay?' I snapped, not harshly.
'Alright, me and Rima have gotta go, speak to you tomorrow?' She said, giving me a biggest bear hug ever,
'But if you call me before 1 o'clockish, I will kill you.'
We both started laughing, 'Alright, love you!'
'Love you too, Amy!'

As they walked away, I turned to face Josh, who looked distracted and was on his phone, I don't think he even saw Rae and Rima leave.
'I think it's about time we went home too, don't you think?' I asked, slinking up to him and wrapping ym arms around his middle. I was staying at his place, my parents kicked me out for coming

to this concert because they were sick of me "rolling into the house at all hours", but whatever. I truely loved Josh and it gave me the reason to finally move in with him. I think he may be the

one. Yeah, I know that sounds cheesy, but when you know, you know, right?

'Well, actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You see, I've met this girl.' As he said those words, I could literally feel my heart break into a thousand pieces.
'I think it's best you don't come home with me, go with Rae or something,' he said and then walked off.
As he was walking, a petit girl with tacky bleach-blonde hair and heels the size of Mount-Fucking-Everest walked up to him and started virtually making a porno in front of me. So I've been

dumped for that piece of trash. Tears began to fall. One after the other. I had no money to get a train or a taxi home, and my phone had no credit as from last week! I'd spent all my money on

MCR merch, stupidly thinking I'd have a ride home.
'Fuck's sake!' I screamed. How the fucking hell was I supposed to get home?! What about home, I had nowhere to go! Just think, about 4 hours ago, life couldn't have got any better, so guess

what! It got fucking worse!
Feeling worse than I had ever imagined, I sat my blue, skinny-jeanned clad ass on the floor and sobbed my heart out. There was no-one else around me now, everyone had fucked off about 30

minutes ago, while I was still having my fucking crisis! Ugh! I hate my life!

I was sat on a wet (from the sweat and the water that was being thrown by the security to reduce the number of fainting fans and to keep the temperature even) padded floor, alone when I

remembered that My Chem were backstage and the only people in my way was really big, huge security guards. With a blurry vision (tears still in my eyes) I took to my feet and let my obsession

for the band lead the way to the stage. I could see the beefy looking guard by the corridoor with the dressing rooms in, something had caught his attention for a moment so I sprinted right past

him and into the nearest dressing room. I slammed the door and nearly collapsed on the floor, starting to blubber again, from no breath this time. Little did I know, the one and only person I
thought my eyes would never see in person, was just standing there half dressed, on the other side of the room by the guitar stand. All I heard was a sweet, deep voice from behind me say "shit".
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