Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Romance

Chapter 3: Vampires Will Never Hurt You

by Mia_Manic 3 reviews

Mikey's captor is revealed.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2009-11-21 - Updated: 2009-11-22 - 1369 words

Chapter 3: Vampires Will Never Hurt You

Mikey Way awoke to a large room lit only by white candles in Victorian era candelabras. The walls were the same shade of white, as was the sheets and pillow case he was resting his sore and bruised body. “Why am I bruised?“ The youngest Way pondered. He slowly sat up and took a better look at his surroundings. The room was all white, the only color being red velvet curtains pulled back to show the glowing moon light and a red comforter on the bed. Splashes of black decorated the elegant room in forms of pillows and a love seat on the far wall facing a big screen television. There was a combination book shelf and computer desk where a young woman was typing what looked like reports for a record company. “Mia?” Mikey said weakly. His throat was incredibly dry. The young woman spun around in her computer chair to face Mikey.

“Oh” She said rather casually. “You’re awake” She got up from the chair and walked to the huge walk in closet next to the connecting bathroom. She pulled a black hooded sweatshirt and a pair of jeans out. She threw the clothes on the bed then sat down next to the confused man. “So I suppose the enchantment wore off” She said more to herself than to Mikey. She crawled next to him and lay down on her back. “I suppose you’ll need an explanation” She sighed. Mikey turned to face her, wincing at the pain surrounding his body.

“What day is it?” He asked. He looked down at himself and gasped as he realized just how battered he was. And naked. “Why am I injured? And nude for that matter?” Mia looked at him with a rather hurt expression.

“I guess you wouldn’t remember the couple of nights we had” Her voice didn’t hide her disappointment. “Well, Mikey my dear, we shared a few nights of hot passionate love making” She leaned into him to give him a kiss, but he pulled away clearly confused.

“Mia,” Mikey started shakily. “I want the truth. The whole truth” His breathing increased. He had finally had sex with the girl he was after for months. But he couldn’t remember any of it. And what had they done that would give him these kinds of bruises.

“Ok” Mia agreed. “It started on the night of your birthday” Mia took a deep breath and sat up to collect her thoughts. “We were having a great time dancing and drinking. And then I invited you back to my place, and you were totally wasted” She let out a tiny chuckle then continued. “We got back to my place and we started…fooling around” She let a seductive grin form on her mouth. Mikey couldn’t help but grin too. He had, after all, gotten laid by one of the hottest chicks at the record company. “We made love all that night” She said dreamily. Then her face fell into a serious frown. “However, I did reveal something about myself to you” She looked him straight in the face then and his mouth dropped when he saw her ruby red eyes staring at him. She opened her mouth to reveal two long, sharp fangs replacing the area her canines should have been in. Mikey closed his mouth and quickly composed himself.

“Mia, you’re a vampire?” He asked in disbelief. It didn’t add up. She couldn’t be a vampire. At least that’s what Mikey reasoned. Skin was warm and soft. Her skin was rosy, though a little pale at the same time. He figured that would be natural for her though. After al he was pretty sure she had told him she was Irish and Puerto Rican. It just didn’t make sense to him. Mia sighed and looked him in the face.

“Yes, Mikey, I’m a vampire” Mia’s tone made the youngest Way a bit uneasy. “That was way too casual” He groaned to himself. Mia could see all the doubt in his eyes. “My skin’s warm because I keep a heating pad strapped to me all day” She explained.

“So what, you’re reading my mind now?” Mikey asked defensively. Mia paused for a second and placed her index finger to her mouth. She looked as if she was thinking whether to answer that question or not.

“You could say that” She said in a not-so-sure tone. “I only do it when necessary. Like when I’m hunting. Or trying to beat Lindsey at bringing Boss man his coffee” She gave a nervous chuckle. Mikey’s face stayed stoic as he waited for more explanations. Mia’s face dropped and her chuckle trailed off into an awkward silence. Neither of them were sure how long it stayed silent, but all was broken with a sharp hiss from Mikey. He grabbed at one of his bruises and gritted his teeth. “Are you alright?” Mia asked concerned. Mikey sucked in air as he massaged the bruise on his chest.

“What the hell did you do to me?” He growled through gritted teeth. Mia touched his chest gently. He then realized how cool her skin was.

“I put you under a trance, so you wouldn’t leave” Mia explained. She sounded like she was going to cry. “I’ve loved you for so long, Mike. I just wanted you to stay here with me, make love to me every night, and love me for who I was” She stared at him with a look that softened him even in his confused and angry state. “But I knew that you wouldn’t want a vampire so I put you in a trance for a few days so I could have you to myself. But I realized how selfish and wrong I was being and I broke it this morning. You’ve been asleep since then” She reluctantly moved her hand from his chest and pulled her knees to her chin. She wrapped her arms around her legs and then rolled to her side facing away from the man she deceived. Mikey didn’t know what to think of this. He had been kidnapped and held hostage under a vampire’s curse by a vampire! Was this really happening to him? And was Mia in anyway dangerous? He sighed and looked at the vampire lamenting her foolish and selfish ways. He would take pity on her only because he knew that he loved her too. He had known since they started growing closer at work. He cautiously rolled to his side and wrapped an arm around Mia. She stiffened, then relaxed into his warm embrace. “Mikey, I love you so much” She sighed kissing his arm. He smiled and held her closer to him.

“I love you too, Mia. Which is why I’m going to stay here with you. I’ll call Gerard and the other’s and tell them what’s going on. We can keep your secret safe, but it would be nice to let them know where I’ve been all this time” Mikey kissed the little vampire on her temple and snuggled closer to her. “Has Gerard been looking for me?” Mikey wondered out loud.

“He has” Mia answered. “He’s been looking for you non-stop. I’ve had my sister look after him to make sure he’s being safe and staying calm” Mikey raised himself up on one elbow and looked down at his grinning lover.

“You have a sister?” He asked. “And she’s looking after Gee?” Mia nodded against her pillow and turned her head to meet his face.

“Her name’s Helena, and she wants to meet both you and your brother. She’s only seen you in a trance. Also, she may be revealing herself to Gerard tonight”

“She won’t hurt him, will she?” Mikey asked unsure about this new vampire he’s heard of. Mia kissed him and then nuzzled back in her pillow.

“Fear not, my love” She sighed. “I’ll make sure that no matter what happens, vampires will never hurt you.
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