Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > In The Centre Of A Restaurant

Chapter 3- Pink Cars, Whores and Broken Noses

by TheGiinger 2 reviews

Josh gets what he deserves and Rae sorts stuff out

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2009-11-22 - Updated: 2010-05-26 - 883 words

Hey guys! waves
I've added this chapter and this is the last chapter pre-written, so you'll have to wait for the rest!
Is anyone actually reading this? Because if you are, a little shout would be nice for us, because we don't know if anyones reading this and enjoying it!
In this quite short chapter (and I apologise for that), you get to meet Rae properly and she deals with some shit for Amy. Rae comes across as kinda paranoid but it's only because she loves Amy so much (they're like sisters) and can't bare to think that something has happened to her. She also comes across as kind of shallow, but theres more to her than meets the eye. I think she has PMS or something too, because she really kick-ass in this chapter :P
I'll shut up now...

Chapter 3


'Oh-my-FUCKING-God!'I thought. 'Where the hell is she? Why the fuck didn't she ring me? She promised!
It's 8pm and she was meant to call me at about 3pm! Her phone is off! What am I going to do?!'


'Oh shit! I'm so thick! I can call Josh.' I scrolled through my phone, looking for his number. It wasn't there. 'Oh damn!' I scolded myself. 'Now I'll have to go to Fucktard's house.' As you can guess, I don't actually like Josh, but I put up with him for Amy. The things I do.
So anyway, I grab my keys, lock-up the house and jump into my bright pink car. Oh yeah, I fucking rock.
I start the engine and MCR start blasting from the stereo, and speed over to Fuckwad's house.
I clamber out of my car, lock it back up and march up the drive to Fuckwit's front door and start banging on it. I can be annoying when I want to.
"Hey Fu..I mean Josh," I said, as he opened the door. "I need to see Amy, so I can kick her ass for not calling me"
"She's with you." He replied, a frown creasing his forehead.
"Huh? You gave her lift yesterday and now you live together" I said slowly, as if he was thick- oh, wait he is.
"No, I split up with her and she's at your house, and you're here to pick up her stuff..."
"You did WHAT?!!!!" I could feel the anger pulsating through me and my hands curled into fists.
"I..I split up with her and you brought her home." I could literally feel the monster within rise and take my place. I flew and him, knocked him over and proceeded to fucking strangle him. Everyone thinks I'm harmless because I'm so small, I'm smaller than Amy for Christ's sake- but you should never make a ginger angry. You won't like them when they're fucking angry.

"Rae!" The bastard chocked, "I..can't...breathe"
"Oh shit, really?" I reluctantly pulled away and he scrambled back up. "Do you have any idea where she is now Mofo?!" The anger was still evident in my voice.
"Umm, no."
"I'm going to kill you." I said, in a dangerously calm tone. "Why. Did. You. Leave her. In. The. First. Place?"
As I finished my question, a plastic, horrifically-dyed blonde-haired bimbo came into my vision.
"Ah." That was all I said.
"So..." He started. "Will you take Amy's stuff?" He gestured to a small pile of boxes to his left.
"What?!" I shrieked "How fucking dare you! I come over here looking for Amy, only to find she's missing, because you ditched her for a dim-witted whore!"
"How dare you!" Blondie screamed at me. "I'll kill you if you touch Joshie again!"
I would have laughed then, but I was too angry.
"Bring it Bitch!" I spat back. "I'll tear you in half!"
I saw the flash of surprise, then my phone started to ring. 'Famous Last Words' by MCR blasted from my pocket, breaking the awkward silence.
"Hello?" I said, as I answered the phone, not recognising the number.
"Hey Rae, it's Iero" Iero was my nickname for Amy- because of her obsession with Frank Iero.
"AMY!! Oh my god! Where the hell are you?!"
"Rae, calm down. I'm at a payphone somewhere in Birmingham, would you pick up my stuff from Josh's please? I'll explain when I get there." She replied.
"Explain what? That Josh split up with you, kicked you out and you're off gallivanting in fucking Birmingham!"
"Yeah, I'll be at yours soon, please! I'll explain everything when I get there!"
"Yeah, you fucking better!" I warned. "Or kick your ass into the middle of next week!"
"Love you Rae!"
"Hm. Love you too." I replied, putting the phone down.

"Alright, give me her stuff, Fuck-Munch." I demanded. He sent me a filthy look, but didn't say anything. He passed me the boxes and helped me load my car.
"Well, see ya, wouldn't want to be ya!" I said, rather immaturely, but it made me feel better.
"Piss off! Don't ever bother me again, Rachael." He replied, drawing out my fall name.
"Haha, so funny. Not." I said. Then I turned around, punching him squarely on the nose, making a satisfying crunch.
"Eat that, Joseph," That was my final and best insult. His full fucking name.
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