Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > My Own Sins

Chapter 1

by areyounormal 4 reviews

Enter Mr Sandman

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-11-19 - Updated: 2009-11-23 - 594 words - Complete

Pete’s eyes flew wide open as he hit the floor. Sweat streamed from his nearly naked body as he struggled to free himself from the tangle of sheets wrapped tightly around him. At first, the more he struggled, the tighter the sheets pulled around him. Breathing hard, almost hyperventilating, and sweat stinging his eyes, he forced himself to calm down. It could only be that he was twisting the wrong way, but the terrifying dream he remembered vividly had momentarily taken away all reason.

“Calm down!” he scolded himself harshly.
“That’s right, Pete,” a voice growled from the corner of the room beyond the bed. “You’re no use to me like this.”
“Wha…! Who’s there?” Pete cried, his voice shaking.

Panic set in as he renewed his fruitless struggles. From the opposite side of the room, he could hear the dull click of boots slowly making their way across the hardwood floor. Grunting in frustration, Pete felt the sheets wrap increasingly tighter around him until he was barely able to move. Utterly at a loss to understand how this could be happening, Pete turned his head to look up at the approaching figure. His eyes widened at the figure standing over him. Black hair swept to the side; a wide, large mouth with bright white teeth; a black mesh shirt; shimmering gold pants mostly covered by thigh length boots and a huge studded belt; his shins covered with bronze armour; long black gloves trimmed with gold and over it all, a floor length black coat made of a sheer, flowing material topped off by a large ruff-like collar also trimmed with gold. He was looking up at himself in his Mr Sandman costume from the America’s Suitehearts video. He was stunned and speechless, but above all, he was frightened.

“No,” the figure spoke again, “you’re not imagining this and you might as well stop struggling, you won’t get free until I allow you to.”
“Who are you?” he asked nervously, still writhing within the sheets, despite believing the words of his counterpart.
“You know who I am, Pete,” the figure laughed.
“I’m dreaming!” Pete shouted in return.
“Of course you’re dreaming,” the figure laughed harshly. “I’m Mr Sandman, I haunt your dreams! But it doesn’t make me any the less real. You know I’m real, don’t you Pete? That much you know for sure.”

Finally giving up the fight with the bedclothes, Pete stared up nervously at… himself.

“What do you want?” he finally asked. “You want something, don’t you? Tell me, then let me wake up.”

Mr Sandman laughed. He could tell that Pete was playing along, not really believing, just wanting to get through the nightmare and wake up.

“Very well, Pete, I’ll tell you,” he smirked. “And, yes, I know you won’t believe me and you’ll think it all a dream, but you’ll learn soon enough how real I am. I have plans, important plans, plans that could include you, if you like. I can offer you anything Pete, remember that the dream world is at my disposal, and anything you wish for can be made real. Remember that. I need your help to… ah… dispose of someone. He’s no fun and he always tries to ruin mine.”
“Who?” asked Pete, now resigned to his helpless state and curious.
“Who?” Mr Sandman asked as if surprised by the question. “Dr Benzedrine of course! Who else?”

A/N - Interested? Let me know :)
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