Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess

Some Times I Wish I Could Save You...

by CyanideChild_ 1 review

They heroicly storm the castle...but ses not there. Shes off in london trying to forget about them, forget about her old life, her old love. Shes becoming a vampire.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-12-08 - Updated: 2009-12-08 - 2964 words - Complete

‘Frankie. Shut. Up. Do you want to save her, or not?’ Mikey hissed as they stepped onto the road. Frank quietly growled at him.
‘Im not doing anything! It was Gerard!’ He huffed. Mikey sighed and shot a glare at Gerard, who looked impassively back at him.
‘Don’t you give that look to me, little brother.’ He grinned, and Mikey couldn’t help a wry smile back.
‘Okay, so the plan is, we go to the kitchens, as vampire servant thing ma bobs, and then we find… Anika? I think that was her name, so spoke all breathy and kept sticking her chest out-‘
‘Frank.’ Mikey and Gerard said sharply
‘Okay sorry…Sheesh people know the meaning of a sense of humour round here? I didn’t think so. Any way, where was I? Ah yes, blonde chick, perky, ahem,’ Frank coughed when he was glared at again, ‘Okay any way, find blondie in the kitchen, save Sam-‘
‘Save Georgia, Frankie,’ Gerard glared again.
‘That’s what I said. Wasn’t it? I swear I said that…’
‘You nervous Frankie?’ Mikey asked quietly.
‘Of course I am, it’s scary enough us going in there, but to bring Gerard too? It’s a fucking death wish…’
‘Don’t worry, I look like a dead guy half the time any way,’ Gerard said cheerfully, as the dark figure of the castle loomed above them. Mikey gulped. Two large dark figures were standing guard. One, the dark languid figure of Quinn, with his shock of blond hair, and the other the darker, heavily tattooed Jeph. Both snapped to attention when they saw, Gerard, Frank and Mikey approaching.
‘Who are you?’ Quinn said, bored.
‘M-Mikey. And this is Frank, and that’s gee- John.’
‘Frank and John.’ Frank confirmed.
‘John.’ Gerard nodded, Quinn rolled his eyes.
‘Im personal attendant to the princess.’
‘Same’ Frank muttered, looking at the ground and fidgeting.
‘I work. In the, kitchens.’ Gerard said haltingly, ‘I work with Anika,’
Quinn and Jeph laughed,
‘Dude, everybody’s worked closely with Anika. In you go,’
‘Can we go see the princess?’ Frank asked eagerly, looking up at the wrought iron gates as they began to open. Quinn gave him an odd look.
‘Sure you can. As soon as she gets back. Now get in the lot of you.’
They all went to go in, but Jeph threw an arm out in front of Gerard blocking him entry. Gerard frowned and glared at Jeph.
‘Problem?’ He asked curtly.
‘I smell blood.’ Jeph growled
‘Don’t we all. Now move. Speaking of blood.’ Gerard pulled a vial of thick red liquid from his jacket pocket. He took a large slug, and then threw the bottle to Jeph, whose eyes widened, and he looked in ecstasy at the small bottle.
‘That’ll be it then,’ Quinn grinned. He clapped Gerard on the back causing him to wince. ‘He’s always like that when we’ve been guarding for more than two days. I’ll catch you on the inside, eh buddy?’ Gerard grinned back at him, thankful to be blessed with naturally long canines. Frank whooped once they’d gotten out of earshot.
‘You are amazing! Absolutely! Oh my god!’ Frank danced around delighting beautiful female vampires, who looked at him appreciatively. Mikey grinned and exchanged a loaded glance with Gerard, when they noticed, Connor at ease against a gnarled tree, talking to a harassed looking vampire. Mikey gestured for Frank to take Gerard into the kitchens before Connor noticed any of them.
Frank and Gerard stole away, but as Mikey turned a cold hand gripped his shoulder.
Mikey slowly turned round, and raised an inquisitive eyebrow. Connor’s face broke into a grin.
‘Where have you been?’ He laughed, clapping Mikey on the back. Mikey smiled, remembering Georgia’s number one tip. Don’t be yourself. You are not who they think you are. Be cold, aloof and sarcastic. Be witty at the best of times. Be a vampire.
‘I’ve been looking for that dirty scum, that still thinks he’s my brother.’ Mikey replied easily with a growl. Connor laughed.
‘Family reunion?’
‘Afraid not, could get near him, that malls, crawling with rebel filth,’
Connor smiled, and gestured down a rose lined path.
‘Micheal, you rat catcher. Will you walk?’
Mikey smiled at the familiar line. ‘I am for you,’

‘Im in trouble you see. The boss’ master plan, against the Allies… It’s coming undone.’ Connor confided, as they walked together.
‘In what way?’ Mikey asked
‘Well, he’s left me in charge. And there are certain people, who aren’t getting their jobs done. Trojan, for instance. She’s infiltrated the rebel base, but she hasn’t reported back yet. Or Genocide, she’s having trouble, getting the weapons masters to work hard enough, I don’t know what I can do.’
‘What does Bert do?’
‘Rules with an iron fist,’ Connor shrugged simply
‘Then why are you even asking? You are Connor! Second in command to the most powerful Vampire on earth. You shouldn’t be worried,’
Connor smiled at him.
‘I appreciate this Micheal. It’s nice having a real friend, who isn’t fake, or out for my rank or information. I trust you with my life.’ Mikey smiled shakily back, and Connor grasped his shoulder. ‘I missed you Micheal. I’m not all-bad yknow. I’ve still got a soul. Don’t shoot the soldier,’ as he strode off, Mikey whispered under his breath.
‘Maybe. But do I?’ He sighed and looked into the starry sky. ‘And if I die before I wake I pray my soul, the lord, to take….’

‘What the hells a Capulet virgin?’ I asked furiously as a vampire girl paraded a dress for me. ‘I’m not a Capulet, I’m not thirteen, im not dying for the my Romeo, and-’
‘You’re defiantly not a virgin,’ Brendon finished with a chuckle. I shot a glare at him, before waving my arms at the vampire girl, who fled back down the catwalk.
I sighed and returned to my chair, which was decorated with garish roses, and kittens. Brendon looked sideways at me and laughed. I stuck my bottom lip out, and sulked.
‘I knew you wouldn’t like any of those,’ He said softly, rubbing the edges of his wine glass with the tips of his long fingers.
‘Of course you knew,’ I replied curling up, and frowning.
‘What are you doing?’ he laughed
‘You know very well. Im sulking,’ I said, blowing my fringe into my eyes. He leaned across, and tenderly swept it back behind my ear.
‘Shhh.’ He breathed into my ear. It felt so intimate, we were so close, my breath caught in my throat, and my forehead became damp. And I pulled away from him with wide eyes.
‘Flirting with the Queen. Dangerous move Urie,’ Remarked Sam, from the doorframe where she’d been watching.
Brendon’s lip quirked up in a sardonic half smile, and he replied without ever taking his eyes off me. ‘Jealous Sam?’ Sam glared and swept into the walk in wardrobe with dignity.
‘You’d have a little more credibility, if you weren’t thinking all those thoughts about Bert and myself.’ Brendon winked at the door, where you could here Sam violently moving things around. I glared at Brendon from my place on the couch. I’d hit you if I could be bothered to move. I thought at him, angrily.
‘No, you wouldn’t, my fragile pet’ Brendon laughed, ‘you’re much too sweet for that. Why else would I keep you around? Now, follow Sam into the wardrobe, and try on your dream dress. Go on. Dare you’ Brendon stretched out, on his chaise lounge, and called for another glass of red. Winking as I walked past, I ‘accidentally’ knocked his glass out of his hands and into his lap. The red stain instantly spread and it reminded me of blood.
‘Oops.’ I said with a smile, ‘it was an accident; of course, I would never have done in on purpose. Im too sweet’ Pressing a napkin into his now empty hands, I smiled, and his lips opened and closed like a goldfish.
‘Why else would you keep me around?’ I walked off triumphantly, and high fived Sam.
‘There’s a back to everything,’ Brendon called from the doorway.
‘Probably off to change his pants,’ I remarked soberly to Sam, who nodded seriously before we both collapsed into fits of giggles.
‘Why so happy baby?’ Came Bert’s inquiring voice from the door. ‘Did you make Bden cry?’ I laughed and ran to his arms, where I was swirled around. Sam laughed too, and Bert picked us both up in an over large bear hug.
‘My gorgeous wife to be,’ He sang tunelessly in his perfect voice. ‘My gorgeous wife to be’s gorgeous serving girl – who I have to think about giving a promotion,’ Sam laughed and we both hung on for dear life, and Bert danced and jumped agilely around.
Finally setting us both down on the chaise Brendon had just vacated, he grinned.
‘In fourteen hours, and thirty two minutes, you’ll be walking down that isle,’ He gestured out the window, to where a long isle decorated with roses – this time bright and dazzling red waited. The castle we were in was not unlike Castle Black Rose, but where Castle Black Rose was dark – Castle Rose Thorn was bright. Colour everywhere, smiles on faces. Strange, for a vampire community, but refreshing none the less.
As Bert left Sam looked at me solemnly.
‘You really wanna do this?’ she asked, and I was on a downer as soon as I realised what the hell she was talking about.
‘I haven’t got any other choices. At least I’ll be able to steer him on the right paths, and keep Ge-Frank and the others outta’ trouble. And if he does go out of line, I’ll kick his ass,’ I smiled slightly as it reminded me of Mikey, before he’d been turned, so certain that everything was going to be okay. If only I shared his optimism.

‘What do you mean their not here?!’ Frank asked again. Anika growled in frustration and threw her hands up.
‘They left, okay? Eight days ago, they took a plane to England, because that’s where Bert wanted to get married.’
‘Married?’ Gerard exclaimed.
‘Yes, married. The day she went crazy in her room, and broke that gorgeous mirror, Bert proposed. It was right after she’d done it as well. I was… walking the corridor out side, and I heard her crying and smashing things. Psycho. I mean Brenny Bear says there is a reason for it, but he wont tell me,’ Anika pouted, her heavily lip glossed mouth turned down in her sadness.
‘Where’s your other guy then? Maxxie? Milky?’
‘Mikey.’ Gerard and Frank intoned, their minds on this new revelation. Gerard was reeling in shock, and angry with himself for causing them more trouble. This was just like her, he thought angrily, to be hurt by me, and to go off and then try to protect every one.
‘Stupid. So stupid!’ Frank and Anika looked at Gerard curiously, but he shook his head and wasn’t saying anything more.
‘So… Sam? Has she gone too?’ Frank asked casually, leaning against the counter. Anika looked at him with disdain.
‘The one who’s obsessed, with Marky? No, she’s like best friends with psycho woman… I mean my queen.’
‘Obsessed with Mikey? I think you’re confused. She likes me.’ Frank interrupted. Anika sniffed.
‘Yeah. If you’re sure…’
She was cut off by a puffed out Mikey, who came charging down the stairs.
‘Guys, you’ll never believe the conversation I just had…’
‘Georgia. Is. Not. Here.’ Gerard glared haltingly.
‘Sam’snothere!’ Frankie wailed, stamping him foot.
Mikey looked in bewilderment at the two men, each in their own sulk, and then looked even more bewildered as Anika threw herself in his path.
‘Oh! I seemed to have tripped. You’re so strong Melky, thanks for catching me.’ She got nimbly to her feet, pecked his cheek, and strut off. Gerard started muttering.
‘Melkys not even word. I mean I got Milky. And Maxxie – I even understood Marky, but Melky? That’s just plain-’ Frankie cut him off, leaping on the kitchen counter, with a cry of ‘SKITTLES!’
‘It’s nice to know what’s going on…’ Mikey sighed and started sipping a smoothie Anika had laid out for them all
‘What am I going to do, Mikes?’ Gerard shrugged, ‘She’s not here, she’s in England. Getting married.’ Mikey choked, on his smoothie.
‘Wah-what?’ He spluttered.
‘You heard me. Mrs.Mc-’
‘Oh. My. God. That will be the coolest thing ever!’ Frank exclaimed ‘Mrs.McCracken!!’ Mikey rolled his eyes again, and looked around. He quickly turned back when he saw Anika licking her lips and winking at him. Eugh. Gerard was saying something.
‘Room? To hide in? Quite ironic don’t you think?’
‘Yup. Very. Go for it.’ Mikey was in another world…dozing off dreaming about unicorns and popsicles. Oh the good life…

‘Oh my gosh. Brendon was right. This dress is beautiful,’ I said turning and watching the dress flow in the mirror. It was silky and smooth, it flowed and hugged my body in all the right placed, it made me looked petit, as opposed to just short. My new black pixie haircut, severely contrasted with the pale, pale ivory white of the dress, but it looked amazing. My make up today was a statement. I mean I had cat like flicks that swooped up, you could cut someone with my cheekbones, that’s how much the were defined, my lips looked, kissable. I looked like… a vampire bride on her wedding day. Gorgeous yet terribly sad at the same time.
‘He’s always right,’ I muttered. And it was true. He’d told Bert that I would prefer the ceremony at twilight – my favourite time of day, that I’d love for black and red rose petals to fall while I walked the aisle, that the two young vampire children I’d made friends with would be my little flower girl, and page boy. Tarquin and Elizabeth. I laughed when I heard the awfully posh English names coming out of these two gorgeous little kids mouths, and over the time I’d spent here, my accent was becoming stronger again, those kids were stealing my hearts, and Sam was worrying whether, it would make a difference to Mikey if he knew that she’d been a bridesmaid three times before and ruining my reminiscence and daydreaming.
‘What are you talking about?’ I snapped coming out of my reverie.
‘So you think I should tell him, and damn the others?’
‘Uhm…’ I stalled, knowing she liked hour-long talks about whether it was Mikey…or if it was Frank…. Or if Brendon secretly has a crush on her…. She was a right worrier whereas I took things as they came. Like this wedding which im five minutes late for…
‘Get a move on, Georgia!’ Sam laughed, ‘It’ll be dawn before you get down there!’ I laughed with her, and we danced out of the room with wide grins on our faces.
As I stepped onto the aisle, I saw a hundred faces in my mind that I would never see again. My Grandad Jim, his big grandad hugs, or my Nanna, and the way she would try to hold my hand when I crossed the road, despite the fact I really wasn’t two anymore. My Mum, whose face creased into a loving smile, so proud at me, to be getting married, at long last, as when I was young I swore blind I’d never do it. My family, in my mind were there, all around me, crying in happiness, looking down at me, with pride. I turned my eyes forward, walking slowly forward to the song that I’d always said would be my wedding song, Blink 182’s ‘Im Lost Without You’
[Author’s Note – And that’s true folks, that will be my official wedding song]
Bert was at the end of the aisle, his piercing bright blue eyes looking at nothing but me. Tarquin was at the end of the aisle, smiling his toothy childish grin at me, Elizabeth was dancing in front of me throwing petals every where, barely four years old, she was as graceful as a ballerina, such was the life of a vampire child. I smiled, as everyone applauded, Sam beamed next to me, her excitement for me showing in every jittery movement she made. Bert took my warm hand in his cool one, and I laid my hand on a vampiric bible. I looked into his eyes, and I felt his lips crush mine, and… and…. And that’s all I remember of my wedding day. All I remember aside from the good memories was the pain, pain and fire, and every bad feeling I’d ever felt…. But ten times worse.

When I awoke I looked at Bert sleeping peacefully next to me, and it was like seeing in HD…I could see every detail I’d missed before. The blue of his eyes, as his eyelids fluttered, was more electric than ever before, the slight stubble on his jaw that I hadnt noticed, stood out. I put my hands to my face and found smooth marble. Prodding my canines, I felt them lengthen and prick my finger. Leaping up, I ran to the mirror.
I was a vampire.
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