Categories > Cartoons > Fairly OddParents > Any Way for Payback?

Chapter 15: Downright Suspicious

by unknown20troper 0 reviews

Norm and Tim attempt to escape.

Category: Fairly OddParents - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Norm,Timmy Turner - Published: 2009-12-24 - Updated: 2009-12-24 - 1384 words

Disclaimer: I don’t own Fairly Odd Parents.

Author’s Note: Concrit welcomed, particularly on characterization, though it can be on anything else that I’m doing wrong. Norm and Timmy will not fall in love immediately. If either of them doesn’t like the pairing, that is just an attempt to keep them in character. They both will probably like the pairing by the end of the fanfic. Thanks for all the wonderful reviews!

Chapter 15: Downright Suspicious

No Pixies were guarding the cells. Only the see-through walls and bars prevented him and Turner from escaping the prison, as far as Norm saw, anyway, though the walls and bars could just be non-existent, making possible escapes even easier. He had found the entire situation downright weird before, but it had just gone beyond that, becoming downright suspicious instead.

Transparent walls and bars; access to his lamp; no guards – was it all deliberate or did Pixie World have the oddest jails in the universe?

“Hey, Norm!” whispered Turner, jolting him out of his thoughts before he could begin planning anything. “I need your help to escape and defeat the Pixies.”

Norm hid a smile. Turner wanted his help to defeat the Pixies – which was what he was planning on doing. That was hope, though his cynical mind couldn’t help but chime in with a more realistic interpretation: Turner only wanted his help because he had lost his fairies, making him the only magical creature capable of helping him.

As soon as he had thought of the more realistic interpretation of Turner’s words, his happiness deflated. If Turner was only asking for his help because he was the only not-Pixie magical creature that he had access to, that certainly didn’t mean love, didn’t bring much hope and wasn’t going to free him or give him Turner – unless he manipulated the situation enough, of course. Even then, not all of them would happen. Even then, he wouldn’t end up with all he wanted. Love could be manipulated, but once one began to feel it, it would manipulate them instead.

“Sure, Turner,” replied Norm, trying to sound flippant, as though he hadn’t just doubted Turner’s motives.

“First, I wish I had three more wishes!”


No one appeared from thin air to stop them. The beginning of their escape, and their plans to do so went by unacknowledged. The Pixies either were really bad at security or they wanted this to happen. Definitely downright suspicious.

“Honestly, a baby could escape here in five seconds, Turner,” said Norm. “You don’t need three wishes. You just need to know where the bars and walls are so you can avoid them.”

“Hey, I need at least one to see the bars and walls, right?”

“Phrase that as a wish and I’ll grant,” replied Norm in slightly flirty tone. “Or I’ll grant it as it is, so you can wish for something more risqué with your next one.”

“I wish we could see the bars and walls,” said Turner, seeming to take ridiculous care to pronounce the words carefully and loudly.

That was definite proof that Turner no longer trusted him. Before, when he lacked his memories, Norm was sure that Turner just would have said it, naturally and carelessly, trusting that he would give him exactly what he wanted, maybe even better, and not let it harm him at all or only minimally. Before, he would have put his life in his hands and trust that he’d keep it safe. Now, he didn’t.

Now, Turner always suspected he would screw his wishes over if they weren’t phrased carefully enough, Now, Turner believed that if he just made one tiny pronunciation error, he’d exploit it to attain his long-awaited revenge. Now, Turner believed if Norm ever did give him what he wanted, it would be the worst it could possibly be. Now, Turner believed every wish he made was an excuse for Norm to harm him.

Ironically enough, before Turner had regained his memories, it was the reverse. Turner was the trusting one, the total-head-over-heels one, and he was the mistrustful, why-are-my-feelings-toward-my-worst-enemy-so-conflicted-dang-it one.

Now, Turner was the mistrustful one, the one that had trouble believing his feelings or that his lover could feel more than hate. Now, he was the one that hoped for love and loved someone that was conflicted about it, and leaning toward the hate side of the spectrum at the moment.

Norm had never thought his love life could go bad, but it could. It had. Maybe because he actually was in love, not just in lust – which was awesome too, he wouldn’t deny that. However, he was Norm the Swinging Genie after all. If anyone could get their ex-lover to love them again, he was sure it would be him, since he was just that awesome.

While he pondered all this, he granted Turner’s wish, and the bars and walls shown up teal-blue, since that was his signature color. He observed Turner’s struggle to slip through the bars with keen interest, especially when he got his shirt and/or pants caught on them. It was the closest he could get to shagging the guy, and was quite a great show in itself, after all. When Turner got severely caught, he manually attempted to get him out instead of GONGing him free, just to touch him in almost erotic ways.

When he went through, it was easier than it was for Turner, due to his light build, tail and ability to fly. He only got caught once, and when he did, Turner was practically blushing as he attempted to work him free of the bars. That gave Norm hope, since it did show that Turner still sometimes behaved around him as though he was utterly smitten, which probably meant that he was, which probably meant that he still had a chance with him. At least he hoped so – not that his hopes had a reputation for coming true; in fact it was often the contrary.

He was tempted to kiss Turner as a thank you – and because Turner’s kisses were, unofficially, the most awesome kisses that he’d ever had – but recalled that Turner no longer desired his kisses, and wouldn’t take kindly to getting one. That didn’t stop him from daydreaming about it though, despite that he knew he wasn’t supposed to be distracted right now. After forcing himself to remember the smoof-bees-tacks torture in graphic detail, he finally got his daydreams to stop – though he ran into some kinky ones first.

He managed the rest of it easily, not getting caught again or into any other scrapes. Once he was out, he sighed in combined relief and disappointment. On one hand, he was free from the Pixie prison. On the other, he probably wouldn’t be able to see Turner wriggle through the bars again – unless the Pixies caught them again, that is. Nah, he wasn’t that desperate.

Speak of the devil.

A muscled Pixie appeared in a PING. Norm was sure that the muscles only came from magic, since Pixies weren’t the type for muscle-building activities, though Norm bet they liked most of the boring ones. The prison had guards after all. It was just that they only came when they were needed, instead of being in the prison all the time. That certainly would make the guard happy, though someone would have to watch the screens showing the prison or have an alert system in place for it to work efficiently.

The guard PINGed handcuffs onto him, and then PINGed into his cell, and picked up Norm’s lava lamp.

“Hey, dude, Turner’s the only one allowed to touch that,” said Norm in a tone that was one-third petulant child, one-third sardonic and one-third flirty. The flirty part was directed at Turner, of course, and the two other parts were directed at the Pixie.

Turner smiled at him, and Norm wondered if that meant that he had understood what he had said, and acknowledged, realized what it meant. Despite having his lamp in the hands of a Pixie, and his hands ensnared by handcuffs, Norm had never felt freer.
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