Categories > Cartoons > Fairly OddParents > Any Way for Payback?

Chapter 16: Lost in Pixie World

by unknown20troper 0 reviews

Timmy is lost in Pixie World; Wanda is suspicious of Norm.

Category: Fairly OddParents - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Norm,Timmy Turner,Wanda - Published: 2010-01-02 - Updated: 2010-01-03 - 1290 words

Disclaimer: I don’t own Fairly Odd Parents.
Author’s Note: Concrit welcomed, particularly on characterization, though it can be on anything else that I’m doing wrong. Norm and Timmy will not fall in love immediately. If either of them doesn’t like the pairing, that is just an attempt to keep them in character. They both will probably like the pairing by the end of the fanfic. Thanks for all the wonderful reviews!

Chapter 16: Lost in Pixie World

Escaping wasn’t as great as Tim hoped it would be. Sure, he was free, but Norm – who just might be in love with him and probably was, considering his kinda romantic statement about his lamp – was captured. He knew that Norm was a master of evasion and trickery, which meant he could probably escape anyway, yet he couldn’t help but feel like a coward for escaping, and couldn’t stop himself from worrying that Norm would believe he betrayed him, even though that wasn’t his intention.

He wanted to return to the Pixie prison so he could save Norm, but he couldn’t find it. Almost everything in Pixie World was a consistent shade of monochrome gray, causing the buildings to almost blend together in his memory. Just what direction was the Pixie prison in anyway?

He had no clue and there was no one he could ask about it, other than the Pixies, and he knew that asking them would only get him recaptured. It was common sense. If one were trying to save someone from an enemy, asking the enemy where the person was would only let them know what you were trying to do.

Saving the world when he was ten was so much easier than saving the genie he loved as an eighteen year-old. When he was ten, he had fairies. Now, he was eighteen, his fairies were gone, and all he had was the genie that he was trying to save, and love, of course. Things really got harder as one grew up.

Norm groaned. He was definitely used to imprisonment. The happy-free feeling he had felt before he was gone now that Turner had left, though he couldn’t help but be slightly glad that Turner was free. Slightly, since he wasn’t, and how free was Turner really, considering that he probably was still trapped in Pixie World.

The Pixies had imprisoned him in a typical cell this time, and kept his lamp themselves. Instead of just one guard that appeared when he saw something suspicious on the security camera, there were several guards there at the same time.

The cell was monochrome gray, smoother than any other cell that he had ever seen. The smoothness was the only unusual trait there, and Norm knew it was actually a typical trait of Pixie stuff, making it not that unusual, after all.

Turner’s ex-godparents were beside him, as he easily saw through the iron bars. Now that just made the situation way worse. They’d probably suspect him of tricking Turner, so he’d have to tell them that he didn’t, and wasn’t going to, if he didn’t want them to attempt to defeat him. It was just that the Pixies would hear, the Pixies would know, and he sure as heck didn’t want them to know anything that could become something for them to control him with. Sure, he wasn’t free, but that didn’t mean he had to make controlling him any easier than it was already; that didn’t mean that he had to be imprisoned in more than one prison.

He looked around, trying to find a way to escape, but got nothing. The Pixies had made sure that there would be no possible, easy-to-find way for him to escape. They had learned from their past mistakes. Norm groaned. Why couldn’t idiot fairies or Paleolithic humans have imprisoned him instead? Yeah, he hadn’t succeeded in escaping humans, but surely they were easier to escape than this way-too-secure Pixie prison.

“Are you working with the Pixies?” asked Wanda, cutting into his thoughts. “Did you help them capture us? Is Timmy captured too?”

He groaned. Yep, the world definitely was against him. His assumptions about Turner’s ex-godparents were dead-on. Wanda assumed that he still hated Turner, and was manipulating him, despite the evidence to the contrary. Well, from her tone, he could tell that she was asking out of concern for Turner, not just because she was suspicious of him.

“Nope,” replied Norm, telling the truth yet hiding some of his feelings. “They are way too boring for me. If I were to team up with someone I’d team up with someone that doesn’t want to turn the world into a boring dystopia. Boring dystopias are no fun, though that should be obvious. He was, but he’s escaped. I think he’s okay, but honestly, I have no clue…”

Norm shut up as soon as he realized that he was getting into his feelings for Turner, since he certainly had no desire for the Pixies to hear anything that indicated how true they really were.


Wanda sighed in relief when she heard that Timmy was possibly free. She also was slightly relieved to find that Norm’s feelings for Timmy were somewhat real, even if the genie was trying to hide them. That meant Timmy wouldn’t be in any danger from him anymore, which meant that she could stop worrying about that, at least.

She heard a PING and looked around anxiously. She was relieved to find that the Pixie wasn’t in her cell, which also contained Cosmo and Poof. They would remain as close to safe as they were now, and wouldn’t be separated, at least not now anyway. They weren’t free, but at least she could take care of them and protect them regardless.


Norm groaned when he found that the Pixie had PINGed into his cell. Just his luck. The entire world was against him, wasn’t it? The Pixie PINGed handcuffs onto him, and then PINGed him into another cell.

His current cell was even worse than his last one. Three of the sides were just amazingly smooth, blank gray stone walls. One had iron bars, and Norm could see a legion of heavily muscled Pixie guards on the other side of the bars, just ready to recapture him if he attempted to escape. Oh boy, then escaping would be hard, though Norm's pride prevented him from doubting that he'd be able to. He was Norm the Swinging Genie, after all. If there was anyone that could escape this prison, he was sure it would be him.


Tim had finally managed to find a way to orient himself in Pixie World. The buildings weren’t as alike as he had previously believed. There were several subtle differences, like some being higher than others, or wider. Some had symbols or words on them, showing what they were. Some had stuff on them that was necessary for whatever they were for.

He began to notice that the perfectly smooth and straight roads did have some variance.

He was no expert at this type of thing, and was not the smartest guy ever, so it had taken him some time, but he’d done it. He’d done it, and could save Norm. He still could save the world, if it needed saving, though for now, he assumed it didn’t. Right now, all he needed to do, all he could do was save Norm, the genie that he now was sure loved him, who he definitely loved now.
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