Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The End Is Only The Beginning

114-pen pals

by Luv-Bytes 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-01-14 - Updated: 2010-01-15 - 2254 words - Complete


"Gerard you just cant stay here!." I laugh a little.

"Why not?" He replies.

"Cause I got things to do." I tell him and he smiles and pulls me close sliding his hands down my back and grabbing my ass.

"Like laundry?" He says and I laugh lightly. "Cause I can help you with that, you know." He says as he slides his hands up the back of my skirt running his hands along my underwear.

"Aw, I bet you could." I say pulling back as he leant in to kiss me. "But no, no laundry... sorry." I laugh a little as he pretends to be disappointed. "I was actually gonna um go get a new car." I say and he smirks a little.

"I told you Elle you cant just go out and fucking buy a car." He laughs.

"Why not?" I whine a little.

"Let me see your bank papers." He says holding out his hand. I look at him blankly. "You do have your bank statements, don't you Elle?" He questions me.

"Yeah there in here...some where." I say opening the cabinet where I shove the crap I don't need. "Here." I say tossing him a folder. He opens it on the table and pulls out a few sealed envelopes.

"What are these?" He says holding one up.

"Mmm the statements I guess." I say shrugging a little.

"Why aren't they opened Elle?" He laughs a little waving one at me.

"Why would I open them?" I ask him not really sure of why he was laughing.

"To see how much...fuck baby, how the hell do you manage by yourself?" He says shaking his head at me as he tears one of the envelopes open.

"I told you I manage my money just fine." I say snatching the paper from his hand. "I know how much I have to spend every month and that's how much I spend." I say glancing over the statement in my hand. Fuck... the top entry was from DSW shoe warehouse for four hundred and twenty three dollars. I smiled a little at it. He went to snatch it back.

"I don't know if this is such a good idea." I say clutching the paper tightly and pulling it behind my back as he reached for it again.

"You don't trust me baby." He says and I'm not really sure if he was kidding.

"No I do... I..." I say as I hesitantly start to hand him the paper back. "No you know what, I do." I say insistently shoving the paper into his hand. "I trust you completely... You wanna go through them go ahead." I tell him and he tosses the paper on to the table.

"I'm just trying to help." He says and I reach into the drawer and pull out a pen and hold it out for him.

"And I appreciate your help." I tell him as he takes the pen from me. "I appreciate every single thing you do for me. Everything you've done. I really mean that. I love you Gerard." I tell him reaching up and kissing his lips lightly. "Now have fun." I say taking a step back from him.

"Where you going?" He laughs a little as he sat at the table.

"I told you I have a lot of things to do." I say stepping back again. "I'm gonna go take a bath, I told you that before..." I say and he looks at me blankly... "After school... remember I said that I was gonna go home and take a bath." I tell him and he smiles and gets up and comes towards me grinning a little.

"No, no, no, no." I say pushing him back a little. "You wanted to help." I tell him.

"Oh believe me I will." He says licking his lips a little looking me over. I could see the look in his eye... He was thinking of the last time he was in the tub with me... that was... damn...don't give in Elle...

"No you wanted to said you wanted to do 'bank statements'." I tell him shaking my finger at him a little and he pouts.

"That's only cause I didn't know what the choices were." He whines like a little kid.

"Well that's too bad Gerard." I say laughing a little. "Maybe next time you'll listen to me better." I say taking a step back. He gives me a real pathetic look.

"How long is it gonna take you to umm sort through those." I say nodding towards the papers.

"Not long baby." He says and I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck. I pressed my chest up against him and he looked down at it and smiled.

"Seriously Gerard, you said you would do it now you have to." I say pressing myself closer causing my breasts to push up a little more. "I mean I want a detailed list of everything I spent in the last three months." I tell him and he smirks a little. "How long would something like that take you?" I say running my fingers along his neck lightly.

"Maybe like half and hour?"  He says and I make a face. "Fourty-five minutes tops." He smiles. "You wanna wait?" He says grabbing my ass again.

"Yeah." I say and he smiles. "I'll wait for you in the tub." I say pulling away and he smirks a little. "Mmm, my baths usually run an hour." I say stepping back. "So hurry up with that list." I tease him.

"Well maybe you can take a slightly longer bath today, cause this is a fucking mess.." He calls out shuffling through the mess of papers on the table. He rolled his eyes a little and started opening envelopes.

"Naw I cant do that. The hot water starts to run cold after an hour." I tell him and he smiles.

"Don't worry about that baby, you, me, and the tub. There'll be more than enough heat." He says winking at me and I laugh.

"You got fourty-five minutes Gerard." I say walking slowly out backwards and he looks up and his lock with mine.

"Or else?" He says and I smile.

"In fourty-five minutes I'm starting...with or with out you." I tease him and he grins wildly.

"You're a bad girl Elle." He calls out as I leave him alone in the kitchen.

"That's what you keep telling me!" I call out from down the hall.

Fuck I love him so much. I went into the bathroom and shut the door. I started the tub and took off my clothes and pinned my hair up. It wasn't until I was about to get into the tub that I realized the door didn't swing back open. I looked over at it.

It was fixed.

"Oh Gerard." I sighed a little to myself as I sunk down into the water. I shut my eyes and tried to relax. The bubbles were vanilla scented. I took a deep breath of them and nothing... I couldn't clear my mind at first, usually vanilla relaxes me but nothing...

I shifted a little and stretched my legs out and turned up the hot water with my foot. As it poured into the tub I started thinking about my mom. How she use to take me into the city to see the shows on Broadway.

The first one I ever saw was Cats. I remember that day so well. The whole way home I begged her to get me kitten. My papa was allergic... or so she said. It wasn't until years later my papa told me she didn't want to get me a pet cause she was afraid I'd get too attached to it and be crushed when it dies...

I laughed a little to myself... My mom wanted to spare me the pain of losing a pet? What would she think of me now?

I heard a noise at the door and I opened my eyes as Gerard walked in holding some papers.

"Elle-" he started to say and then he stopped. He was just staring at me in the tub, not saying anything.

"What?" I ask him sitting up a little. There were some bubbles stuck on my chin. I swatted them away and looked at him. He shook his head a little.

"I'm sorry I just saw you there and forgot how to talk." He says blushing a little. I splashed him a little.

"Oh stop it." I say sliding back down into the water. "Don't tell me you're done?" I tease him looking over at the papers in his hands. "Its only been like 10 minutes!" I laugh.

"I wanted to ask you something." He says sitting on the edge of the tub. He held the papers up high so they wouldn't get wet. He shuffled through them a little. "You got a couple of different accounts here." He tells me and I shrug.

"Well one was mine and one was my papas and mine." I say and he nods a little. "When he died they ummm took his name off." I say and Gerard nods a little. "But I never closed it cause umm that's where all the house bills and stuff come out automatically so..." I shrug again.

"Yeah but who puts the money in?" He asks and I sink down even lower into the tub.

"Mrs. Alexander." I say plainly. "The accountant." I say when he looks at me funny.

"You trust her?" he asks me and I make a face.

"Of course I do... She was my grandfather's accountant... Well, I guess she's just my accountant now though." I sigh a little. Gerard didn't say anything..."She um deposits enough for the bills and crap from the investment accounts my papa set up into the one account and umm the other account is my allowance." I say and he frowns a little.

"So all these things are automatic?" He says scoffing a little. "You don't ever look at them?" He says getting a little loud.

"What for?" I ask stretching my legs again. "And I don't know why you're looking at them for either." I tell him "There's nothing interesting there." I shrug. "Just fucking bills and crap. I thought you were gonna look at my stuff, see where all my allowance goes...." I say blowing at the bubbles on the top of the water.

"Where your money goes?" He snickers. "Who the fuck you sending money to in Sing Sing?" He says and I laugh.

"Sing Sing?" I repeat back and he nods at me scrunching his face a little. Damn he's so cute..."The maximum security prison in upstate New York." I say and he nods again. "Are you crazy?" I say splashing him again.

He gets up. "Waaatch." he cries out shaking the water drops off the paper. "Fuck Elle." He mumbles.

"Oh stop it. You're not gonna melt." I say splashing him again.

"Elle I'm fucking telling you..." He says grabbing the towel from the hook. "You're fucking sending money every month to someone there." He says kneeling down next to the tub. I lean over and look at where he's pointing.

"Direct deposit into inmate account OOO647. N. Walker." I read and I frown a little.

"You know who that is?" He asks and I shake my head no. "How bout this he says pointing to the next line.

"Direct deposit...blah blah." I read. "Ummm, C. Hunter. " I read and look up at him a little puzzled.

"You recognize that name?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"This is a few months old." I say looking at the date on the top.

"Yeah but I think its been going on for a while." Gerard says folding the paper in half. "This is on every single statement of yours I pulled out." He says and I just looked at him. "There were even some old papers that it looked like your papa balanced out before he died and he kinda blacked out the names on them." He says and I shake my head a little.

"What?" I say a little confused.

"I don't think he wanted you to know he was sending them money" Gerard tells me and I shake my head refusing to believe him.

"No Gerard." I tell him "Let me see that again." I say holding out my hand. "These are old, where's that last one the lady gave me at the bank?" I say and he hands it to me.

"See this one doesn't say that." I say looking it over. "This one has Walker but no Hunter." I tell him and he just stared at me.

"Yeah it looks like about a month or so ago you umm stopped sending money to Mr. Hunter." He says and I sat up.

"Why?" I ask him and he just looked at me.

"I don't know it says deposit returned inmate account closed." He says pointing at a line towards the bottom of the statement.

 "Closed?" I exclaimed. "How could it be closed Gerard?" I say panicking a little.

"I don't know Elle." He says taking the papers back from me. I was getting them all wet.

"Well where the fuck is he?" I ask and he shook his head a little like he didn't know.

Gerard paused and took a breath...
 "I think maybe he got...out..."
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