Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Only Hope for Me Is You

Don't Want You Back

by anotherMCRcrazedfan 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-01-16 - Updated: 2010-01-17 - 618 words - Complete

Frank POV

3 days later

It was now Friday so that means the weekend. Most people would be excited about it but not for me. The weekend meant more torture than usual. But this weekend I was hopeful. My father hadn't come home yet and my mother didn't tell me what went on that night. I just pray to god that he won't come home.

The bell rang and it was now the last period of the day. So far, I had gone through the day unnoticed and untouched and I just hoped that it stayed that way. But with my luck, no. I was closing my locker and I happened to turn around and bump into him. The love of my life. The one and only person who I wanted to be noticed by. He was so sweet and nothing like the other guys here at school. He didn't bully, he didn't pick on the little people, but he did look past people who didn't matter to him. I was one of those people.

"Oops..." I said, leaning down to pick up my books from when I had hit him. I went to reach for my science book when he handed it to me. I swear that my heart was going to come up and out of my throat it was beating so fast.

"Here," he said. "Sorry about bumping into you."

"It's no problem," I said taking my book from him. Oh he was so sweet. I just wonder if he knows my name. What am I thinking? Nobody knows my name, so why should he?

"Hey, aren't you that Frankie kid?" He asked. Oh my God! He freaking knows my name!

"Y-yea..." I couldn't believe that we were carrying on a conversation. It was my dream come true. OK, now I just sound like a teenage girl.

"Anyway, sorry again. Gotta get to class." He walked off.

"Wow..." I said to myself. I just stood there until I heard the bell ring. Shit! Late again.


I had made it through the day alive. Thank the fucking God! I was on my way home and I still couldn't believe that he actually talked to me! He even knew my name! I am such a girl. I turned onto my street and stopped dead in my tracks. My father's car was in the drive...

I slowly approached the house, trying to listen for noises coming from inside, but I couldn't hear anything. I walked through the back gate and shut it quietly. I walked around to the back of the house and opened up the door, slowly inching my way inside this hell hole. I turned into the kitchen and was almost plowed over, again, by my father. Fuck…

"Watch it, homo!" He hissed, making his way past me. I noticed that he had a suitcase and it was bulging with...clothes? Was he leaving? Was he finally leaving us?

I quickly ran upstairs and locked myself in my room, just in case. I sat all of my stuff down and I put in a CD, Black Flag. I made it loud enough for me and only me, no one else could hear it. It just started on the second song when I heard a car roar to life. I looked out of my window and saw my dad pull out of the driveway and speed off down the road.

"Yes!" I shouted. He was gone! I made my way down the hall towards my mom's room. I knocked on the door and she said for me to come in. I sat down beside her and I could tell she had been crying.

"What's going on?" I asked.
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