Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess


by CyanideChild_ 1 review

It still doesnt make any sense...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-01-18 - Updated: 2010-01-18 - 927 words - Complete

I couldn’t see. My eyes were blurry. The tears stung my nose. I don’t know why it always hurt my nose when I cried. It really annoyed me. It was like…
‘You’re going a little off subject there, girl.’ Brendon observed dryly.
‘Get outta my head Urie,’ I snapped, and forced the tears back, and struggled to my feet. Gerard gripped my forearms and set me on my feet.
I looked into his eyes. Placing my hands on either side of his held, I felt for him. Not using my hands, but using my mind. I felt for his conciousness, and I almost broke down when I found him, empty. He was an entirely new person. And judging by the thoughts and feelings swirling around his mind, not one I’d grow to like. My Gerard was lost to me, always and forever… I was about to let go of him, when I felt that familiar mindset flow through me. I felt Gerard again, it was him, the human him, in thoughts, fighting the Gerard-That-Is-Not-Gerard. He struggled a smile, as he fought, and thought the words ‘Life sucks doesn’t it?’ before losing the battle and shrinking away to some forgotten part of the fake Gerard’s head. Once the fake Gerard had regained control he smirked.
‘Look, I know you want me, but seriously, queenie – put me down’
Brendon chuckled, as I released Fake Gerard with a scowl. Bert coaxed me back into his arms, but a small thought was already forming. I stepped forward again, searching his face for any signs that he might come back, might be normal again. I saw none. Only empty beautiful eyes. A smooth pale face, marred by a filthy smirk, as those eyes ran themselves up and down my body.
‘You like what you see?’ I purred, seductively. Bert frowned, annoyed, but Fake Gerard licked his lips. He stepped forward, so our torsos were touching. His eyes flickered from my neck to my chest. Brendon laughed out loud.
‘A kiss, queenling?’ Fake Gerard murmured.
‘Of course,’ I smiled in return, and punched him as hard as I could, in the mouth. The force of it sent him flying back through the open door, and landing at a surprised looking Connor’s feet. Brendon and Bert were openly laughing, hands on their knees, tears streaming down their faces. Connor nudged Fake Gerard with his toe. He groaned.
‘I see you’ve met?’ This remark followed a vase as Connor had to hastily duck when I threw one is his direction.
‘I’ll be off then,’ He said quickly, disappearing. Bert and Brendon were still laughing. That is they were, until I hit Brendon karate chop like over the back, so he collapses on the floor, and kneed Bert in the stomach. Smiling to myself at the two groaning men, I turned back to see Gerard – the real Gerard – looking at me, and regarding me proudly.
‘Nice punch sugar,’ He winked, before groggily shaking his head, turning back one more into Fake Gerard.
‘Did it hurt?’ I asked coldly looking at him knowing that my love was inside there somewhere.
‘What when I fell from heaven? Naw, you should know sugar.’ He winked and scampered of somewhere, while I growled at his back. Sitting down on my old four poster bed I sulked. Wheezing, Bert climbed up from the floor, onto the bed with me.
‘I know what you need,’ He coughed, ‘A pick me up. A friend. Brendon!’ Brendon climbed to his feet, and bowed quickly, before spinning on his heels and vanishing into thin air.
‘Where’s he going?’
‘Getting you a living present. Well not living. Technically unliving. But-’
‘Brendon!!’ I yelled, panicked.
‘Yes?’ He said reappeared next to me on the bed. I almost jumped off the bed in fright.
‘Don’t get Sam. Do not go into the mall. Do not harm Mikey or Frank, or Bob, or Ray. Leave them alone!’
‘Get Sam?’ Connor asked from the doorway, ‘Harm Micheal? You got it your majesty!’ He flickered and then disappeared. Brendon regarded the open door way speculatively.
‘I guess that was fair.’ He mused, ‘Mikey did kill him. Again.’
I stood up and marched to the door.
‘I never said Micheal! So your argument is redundant!’ I yelled to the empty corridor.
Fake Gerard appeared on the bed, joining Brendon and Bert.
‘Shits gonna fly…’ He remarked, laying back on the pillow and placing his dark sunglasses over his eyes. I turned around, breathing heavy, hand on my hips. I glared at all of them, and pointed rather viciously to the door.
‘My baby’s finally gone mad,’ Bert remarked rather proudly. Brendon gave a lopsided grin.
‘She’s rather sexy when she want to kill us.’
‘True that,’ Fake Gerard agreed,
‘Save me from your thoughts!’ Brendon laughed putting his hands over his ears. Bert smiled, and leap to my side in an instant.
‘Cool it boys. She’s taken remember?’
‘Yes,’ I agreed. ‘Yes I am. By someone you killed in cold fucking blood!’ Fake Gerard who was still lounging, pointed at himself.
‘Who? Moi?’
‘Get out!!!!’ I near screamed at them. Brendon grinned before disappearing. Fake Gerard reclined, placing his hands behind his head.
‘No, she doesn’t find you sexy in that pose – in fact she’s more attracted to me…’ Brendon said, appearing yet again from no where.
‘I think you better go,’ Bert said.
‘First,’ Gerard said sitting up, ‘There is something I need to say.’
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