Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess


by CyanideChild_ 1 review

i hate spiders :|

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-01-24 - Updated: 2010-01-25 - 600 words - Complete

It was a wide track, through a bright village of smiling people. The sun beat down from above, but the browned happy villagers thought nothing of it. I walked through the village, my bare feet feeling at home on the dusty ground. My dress, a crimson red, swished around my knees, and a large circlet of gold was resting around my head. The village people waved at me, some bowed, some even offered gifts. Children followed me as I walked on, through the lane, throwing flowers behind me. One little girl even held my hand.
But the further on I walked, the less welcoming the village became. It still had the same people, but their faces were worn, and they had the hardened glint of desperation in their eyes. They no longer waved, but they just watched as I slowly walked on and on. The further I went on the darker my dress became, until I was wearing a dress of the deepest black. The children looked on from behind closed windows. And I struggled to understand what was going on. It became hotter and hotter, the sun becoming bigger and bigger. I was squinting to see ahead of me… I could barely make out a blurry figure standing there, on the edge of the road. I opened my eyes a little and saw it was Gerard, smiling and waving. I quickened my pace, and a smile lit my face. I raised my hand and waved, and he waved back equally as happy. I rushed forward, but just before I reached him a pair of strong hands gripped my arms and I blacked out…

‘Stop struggling. My bet is, you don’t wanna fall into the lava pit do ya?’
I stopped struggling and opened my eyes. I was standing on the corner of a rather scary looking lava pit, the immense heat doing nothing to my new vampire skin. I could feel it alright, but I was sure as hell ignoring it.
‘Jesus!’ I cried, stumbling backwards to be caught by the hands again.
Though of course they weren’t just hands. There were arms and legs and shoulders and hips and a chest and those eyes… Damn. He’d saved my life. That means I’ll have to save thank you. Damn!!
Fake Gerard smirked when he realised I knew he saved my life. Or not life. Un life. Whatever.
‘No, sugar not Jesus. Far from him.’ I rolled my eyes, and then realised he was still holding me, slanted, like a dancer dips his partner.
‘Put me down you sarcastic fuck,’ I said annoyed. Im not saying sorry, he doesn’t bloody deserve it. He’s a-
‘Fine.’ He said bored, dropping me, so I hit the ground with a thump. I got back to my feet quickly, with about as much dignity as… well, with no dignity what so ever. I was just about to swear furiously at him when I noticed his eyes on my shoulder.
‘That’s a fuck off spider on your shoulder, Georgia,’ He said measurably. I froze.
‘Oh har ,har. That’s real funny. The only thing im scared of in the entire world, spiders. How ironic. Im surprised you didn’t got for the average, ‘there’s a spider in your hair’ routine.’
‘Well, it’s nice to know, Blood Princess’s have weaknesses,’ I looked at him scornfully. Then I felt the light brush at my throat. I glanced down, and saw the long black leg…
‘For fucks sake,’ Gerard laughed, as I keeled over backwards and blacked out.
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