Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I'm Just A Girl In The World.

Author's Note.

by shehadtheworld12 3 reviews

Semi important.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-12 - Updated: 2010-02-12 - 202 words

So if you haven't read my letter in the MCR section, I shall explain it here. I have decided to not write anymore MCR stories or finish the ones I have going. It's just a really tough patch for me to fix, and I just can't think properly, and sadly I'm going on hiatus for the time being...I have alot on my plate, my dad is getting deployed next month to Afganistan and will be gone for a year. Therefore, if I try writing, it will only come out depressed or become garbage. I learned my lesson with my MCR ones (:

However, After thinking it through last night, cause I got no sleep because of it. I probably will continue on with this story, that is people still want this up. This story is one I was really proud of, so I'm not sure if I can fully abandon it. I know I sound crazy for changing my mind, but I'm Just A Girl, is one story I was really anxious to write, and I still am.

So if you want me continue, I will. Updates won't be so fast...but I'll try.

Don't be shy to drop a line.

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