Categories > Games > Resident Evil > Everything To Lose

White Lines

by nikitarae1435 0 reviews

Category: Resident Evil - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Romance - Characters: Claire Redfield - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-02-13 - Updated: 2010-02-14 - 939 words

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the resident evil characters in the story.

Chap. 3

The wind ripped through Claire’s hair as she sped towards the airport. She was getting extremely hungry though and decided that she couldn’t wait to get food. So she pulled her bike over, and walked into a small diner that was located on a deserted road. The diner was called Millie’s Place. Claire walked in and sat up at the counter. A young women no older then Claire walked over to her.

“What can I get for you sugar?” the women asked. She had a name tag that read Millie. She looked so young to be owning a diner already.

“Oh I’ll just have a coffee.” She realized then that she couldn’t afford anything else.

“Coming right up.” Millie responded.

When Millie came back with the coffee, she began to talk to Claire.

“So where you headin’ to?” Millie asked.

“Nowhere” Claire answered.

“Everybody’s headin’ for somewhere. They call this the “anywhere but here” diner. Everybody that comes here is runnin’ away from something, and there headin’ for somewhere.” Millie said.

“Well not me, I just go where the wind blows me I guess.” Claire lied. But she couldn’t help but feel like part of what she said was true. Months ago that was the motto that Claire seemed to live by. She used to be a free bird. Until Steve “died”. After that she stayed at home a lot. She hated going places and seeing people happy together. She didn’t understand why they got to have their happy endings and she didn’t. But her story wasn’t close to being over yet. She still had her chance at happiness.

“So, you look pretty young to be owning a diner already, you’ve got to be at least 19 right?” Claire asked.

“21 actually, and this diner was my mamas, but she’s real sick. I took over the diner. I was named after my mama so I got to keep the diner’s name. I can’t tell you how I would love to change it though. My mama’s heart would just crumble though. When she dies I’m gonna change it. I can’t bear to do it now.” Millie answered. She brushed a strand of her curly red locks out of her face and pushed it behind her ear. The rest of her hair was up. Claire liked to listen to her talk. She liked her accent, it was soothing, like it was telling her that life can wait, sometimes you need a cup of coffee and someone to talk to.

“So you never really answered my question. Who you runnin’ from” Millie changed the subject.

“Actually its someone that I’m running too. You see I’m looking for someone named Steve.” Claire said.

“He your boyfriend?” Millie asked with a smirk.

“Sort of, I don’t know really.” Claire realized at that moment that she really had no idea what her and Steve where. Where they friends, or more? This made Claire think for a minute. Then she looked up at the clock and saw that the time was 5:06 am. She had to get going if she was gonna catch her flight to Australia at 6:00 am.

“ I’m really sorry for skipping out on you like this Millie, but I have a boat to catch. Maybe I’ll see you again someday.” Claire said while she got up and dug into her pocket for some change.

“Only if you believe in fate. And don’t worry about the money, its on the house.” Millie said. Right as Claire was heading out the door Millie called after her.

“Hey! What’s your name?” Millie asked.

“Claire, Claire Redfield.” She answered.

“Good luck Claire Redfield.” Millie said after Claire. She said it more to herself then Claire though.

Claire got on her bike and strapped on her helmet and she was off into the sunrise.

Next, the airport. Claire thought to herself.

When she arrived at the airport her flight was calling all last minute passengers, for the trip to Australia. She parked and locked her bike, and then walked over to the gate. She turned and looked behind her, looking at what she was leaving behind her. She could still feel Steve’s arms around her like it was yesterday. She remembered putting her head on his shoulder and falling asleep on the plane. She closed her eyes for a second and then realized that she was hungry and tired as ever. She took her seat and fell a long and needed nap.

When she woke up she was nearly there. How long had she been asleep?

The plane landed and she grabbed her bag and she rented motorbike. She couldn't drive there in a car. It was a huge distraction.

Three hours later, Claire arrived in a forest, she looked at her map of the facility ,that she found in Chris’s bedroom, and took a right. She parked her bike near a wall. She took out her combat knife and walked alongside the wall. She turned around the corner and saw nothing. She turned to look behind her and saw nothing again. Absolutely nothing. No birds, no squirrels, no nothing. That was a little strange to her.

Claire began to turn slowly around the corner again, but just then a huge green monster jumped in front of her and swiped her in the head. She could barely make out the face of the creature, just before she fell into unconsciousness.
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