Categories > Games > Resident Evil > Everything To Lose

Never Far Behind

by nikitarae1435 0 reviews

Category: Resident Evil - Rating: R - Genres: Horror,Romance - Characters: Billy Coen,Claire Redfield,Leon S. Kennedy - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2010-02-13 - Updated: 2010-02-14 - 1271 words

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the resident evil characters. I know it sucks doesn’t it!


The sunlight hit Leon’s face and he sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes. Today was the day that they left for Australia. Leon had exactly 1 hour before the gang met up at Chris’s place. He had just one hour before he had to leave Ashley. He hoped that she would be okay. Yesterday night he had contacted her old bodyguard and left him the message that he would be watching her. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be with her, he just couldn’t risk her life anymore. The president would kill him anyways.

“I should check on her.” He said out loud.

He showered and dressed. Then he ran out the door and headed down the long hallway that lead to Ashley’s room. He knocked on the door. No one answered. He knocked again. No answer. He opened the door slightly and noticed that the room was empty.

“Where would she be at this hour?” Leon wondered out loud. If she was out, her bodyguard should be with her. Leon shrugged it off and left the room.

Minutes later he showed up at Chris’s place and he gathered his groups members. Chris went over the procedures before they all left together. Leon, Carlos and Billy all took Leon’s black Lexus. Carlos and Billy both carried their separate bags, equipped with aid sprays and weapons. They figured because Carlos and Leon had authority that they would be able to carry the weapons over the border. Same with Chris and his gang. Leon carried a large duffle bag with his aid sprays and weapons. It also held a jacket and some bandages. Just in case. But when Leon picked up the bag he realized that it felt a little bit heavier then normal. He shrugged it off and threw the bag in the backseat with Billy.

When both cars got to the boat docks, they unpacked all there things for the people to check. Leon was about to take his bag out of the car when Billy accidentally kicked it when getting out. Leon heard a muffled ouch. He looked at Billy.

“Don’t look at me. I didn’t say anything. The bag’s possessed I swear!” he said as he leapt from the vehicle and took off after Carlos.

“What the hell.” Leon said in a confused tone. He closely and carefully un-zippered the bag and found a very sweaty Ashley Graham. She jumped out and took in a huge breath.

“ASHLEY GRAHAM! What the hell were you thinking! You could have suffocated in there…how did you get in there anyways?” Leon scolded.

“I snuck in your bag overnight. You’re a very light sleeper you know.” Ashley said with an innocent smile.

“Do you want to get yourself killed? No really, because this is something totally different then the los plagas. These things that we are gonna deal with are much more dangerous. These things will eat your flesh!” Leon said.

“Ok, so maybe what I did was stupid, but I want to go with you Leon. I can handle it. I promise.” Ashley said with a look that made Leon’s heart melt.

“You know your dad is gonna kill me.” Leon said as he walked around the car and kissed Ashley passionately on the lips.

Cheers and whoops were heard from the others. Leon and Ashley pulled away and smiled. He grabbed Ashley’s hand and they walked over to where the boat was loading up. Leon looked at Ashley.

“You have no idea what your about to do.” Leon informed Ashley.

“I know.” Ashley replied.

They both stepped onto the boat, not knowing exactly what lied before them.

In Australia

Claire was dreaming about Steve when a voice echoed through her quarters.

“Oh Claire my darling, get your monstrous behind up, I need to talk to you.” Wesker’s voice boomed through the speaker in the corner.

“Speak of the devil.” Claire said as she got out of bed.

She showered and dressed herself in a tight fitted red t-shirt, and a pair of light stonewash skinny jeans. She out on the same shoes as yesterday and let her hair down. She almost never let her hair down. But today she really didn’t care. She wasn’t trying to impress anybody. She was a prisoner, not a guest.

While she was about to open the door, she saw the knob turning, with her hand just inches from it. She leapt back and waited for the worst. Cammy’s head popped through the door. Claire screamed and so did Cammy.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to thank you Claire. For warning me about Wesker. He lied to me and I should’ve known.” Cammy said.

“It was no problem. Cammy, don’t you have any family waiting for you.” Claire asked

“Well no, I may be 18, but Wesker is basically all I have left. My parents died a couple years ago. In a car crash. Wesker found me at my College. He asked me to come work with him. Since I had no where else to go, I figured that I would. You see I was more intelligent then the rest of the kids my age, so I graduated early and was taking college courses.” Cammy said

“My parents died when I was little. I only have my brother.” Claire said.

“Wow we have a lot in common.” Cammy smiled.

“Yeah, you know what Cammy, I like talking to you. It makes me feel like I’m not a prisoner for once.”

“Really, thanks” Cammy said as she blushed.

The girls both took off towards the kitchen. When they reached the door, Cammy punched in the code again and left Claire.

Claire shivered as she entered the room. It was absolutely freezing. She could see her breath.

“Ah there you are.” Wesker said from behind Claire. He was sitting in a chair at the table, he had his signature sunglasses on and he was smiling an evil grin.

“What do you want? You have everything.” Claire said in a grim and low voice.

“No, I don’t. There’s plenty more that I want from you Claire.” Wesker said as he got up and crossed the room to Claire. He grabbed her by the neck and held on as tightly as he could. Claire gasped for air but there was nothing there to breath. She was slowly losing consciousness when suddenly she heard Wesker gasp and she felt him let go. She fell to the floor and rubbed her neck. She looked up and saw Steve. But he wasn’t human now. He was his monster self. She watched Wesker as he lay on the floor with a large gash on his cheek. Wesker was still very strong, like Claire remembered, and he reached up and grabbed Steve’s arm. Claire could here it make a sickening crack. And then she saw Steve fall to the ground in pain. Wesker walked over to Steve and was about to punch him right in the face when suddenly he heard Claire screaming in pain. He turned and saw Claire laying on the ground clutching her stomach. It all happened so fast but suddenly Claire was transformed. She was just like Steve except she was violet.

“Ah lets see my creations at work.” Wesker answered as he readied himself for a battle.
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