Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Name Of The Game

Unpleasant Greetings

by nikitarae1435 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Ron - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-02-13 - Updated: 2010-02-14 - 597 words

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters…what a shame .

Chapter 2: Unpleasant Greetings

George was the first to stand and offer his hand out to her.

“I’m George, master of trickery and love,” He said with a wink. Fred stood up too and offered his hand to Danielle.

“Yes and I’m his brother Fred, he gets it all from me.” Hermione giggled.

“Nice to meet you.” Danielle said.

“My name is Hermione Granger. Is this your first time being in London?” Asked Hermione.

“Actually no, I used to live here when I was little.” She said, but she seemed uneasy at the topic.

“Wonderful! Well I suppose we will be getting to know each other a lot, being Gryffindors together and such.”

“Actually Ms Granger I don’t believe that is entirely true. All the exchange students will be sorted into houses at the start of the year feast, just like you all went through.” Said Dumbledore matter-of-factly.

“Oh, well than she should have nothing to worry about. A Gryffindor is brave, and smart. You seem like you would fit in perfectly, right Ginny?”

“Oh yeah of course, nothing to worry about.” Said the fiery red head.

“I’m so sorry, I forgot to introduce the rest of the gang,” said Mrs. Weasley “That over there is Ron, that’s Ginny, you’ll be rooming with her for the time being, that’s Mr. Weasley, you can call him Arthur. Oh and that over there is Harry.

“Well it’s great to meet you all,” said Danielle. Harry couldn’t help but notice that Shy was looking a little bit strangely at him.

“Please sit down, get yourself some breakfast! Later you’ll get to know everyone better. Oh, I have a wonderful idea! Fred, George why don’t you too take Danielle down to your joke shop later! It will be a wonderful chance for you all to bond.” Mrs. Weasley suggested.

“Of course! That is a spectacular idea!” George almost yelled.

“I agree completely! A Fantastic idea indeed!” Fred said

“Well than it’s settled.”

“What do you think Danielle dear?” Asked Mrs. Weasley

“I know you! You’re Harry Potter! You-“

This set Harry off the edge. The same edge he had been standing on for a long while.

“The boy who lived! Yes I know, I defeated Voldemort when I was only one years old, and I also witnessed the death of Cedric Diggory a year ago, when the dark lord returned. Would you like to see my scar?” Harry yelled as he thrust his hair back to reveal his lightning bolt shaped scar. He shoved his chair back and bolted up the stairs to his room.

The entire kitchen was silent. Everyone looked at Danielle awkwardly.

“I was just going to say that he was an excellent Quidditch player.”

“I am so sorry for that, he’s been going through a bit of a rough time.”Ron said

“Oh, I understand. Maybe I should go talk to him.” Danielle suggested

“I think maybe he needs some time to blow off some steam.” Hermione said

“I feel terrible about this all.” Danielle said

“It’s fine really. We’ll talk to him before we go to the joke shop, and calm him down.”Hermione said

“Sure, sure. Oh and please let him know that I am really sorry.”

“Of course” replied Hermione

Hermione and Ron both disappeared into the living room. Danielle stood alone in the hallway.

“This is going to be a long summer” said Danielle
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