Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Turn The Lights On

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-21 - Updated: 2010-02-22 - 412 words - Complete

Darkness was everywhere. I did not know what to do, but I knew any second I would start going crazy. Why did he have to turn them off for, did he really want to see what happens. I just keep sitting there hoping he would just turn them back on, but nothing happen. He has not move from that spot, I wonder what he was waiting for. It seem like hours went by since he turn off the lights but really it has only been seconds. I swear I could see something in the darkness it seem like it was getting closer but I tried to keep telling myself it was only my eyes.

“Turn them back on,” I said in an angry tone

“I want to see what happens,” He said while still standing there

“No you don’t, please just turn them back on,” I beg

“Why? So you’ll feel safe knowing nothing will happen to you,” He ask

“Just turn the damn lights on,” I yelled

“Why don’t you? If you’re so scared you can come over here and turn them on your self,” He replied.

I did not will not to move, my body would not let me. My mind was blank I did not know what to think or how to feel. Why could he not just turn the lights back on, I felt my hands starting to shake I could feel any minute now I would go insane.

“Turn them back on damn it,” I yelled once again.

“Fine I will this time,” He said as he turns them back on.

What did he mean this time? He was not going to do it again, was he? Now I really wanted to leave this room. He had better not turn the lights back on because next time I promise I will go insane.

“Why do you mean this time,” I ask

“Nothing you need to worry about,” He said as he headed back to the other side of the room.

“Do you really want me to go crazy, would that make you happy? Cause if it would then I’ll show you how crazy I can be,” I replied in angry

“Well let the darkness begins,” He said while turning off the lights.

And just like that, the darkness was back.

Sorry for the short chapters but like I said I already have this already written. But the chapters get longer promise. Reviews?
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