Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum


by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-24 - Updated: 2010-02-24 - 410 words - Complete

My worst fear has come back. Darkness was all around me my mind went blank, I could not think of what to do. My hands started to shake I knew any minute I would go insane. My heat was about to jump out of my chest he brought this one, his the one who turn out the damn lights. If he wanted to see me go insane then I should let him see how insane I can be. I got off the ground and ran towards the door I remember where it was. However, finding it was harder then I thought all I could feel was the walls, once I found the door I started to bang loudly.

“GET ME OUT OF HERE!” I scream

“What the hell are you doing,” He ask

“You fucking turn out the damn lights, I told you I go insane when I’m in the dark,” I yelled in angry.

“If you’re so damn scared turn on the damn lights your own self,” He yelled back.

He pushing me to my limits he knew I would go insane he just wanted to see it for his own self. The angry in me started to build up I wanted to break down the door. I wanted to turn down the whole room I wanted to show them all how insane I could be.

“Go head scream, yell no one is going to fucking hear you,” He said in angry.

“Would you just shut the fuck up? You’re the one who started this whole damn thing if you would have just left the damn lights on everything would be fine!” I scream at him.

I wanted to scare him I wanted him to feel threaten I wanted to show him that I was not afraid of going insane. I was not going to show him any weakness he wanted this and I was going to let him have it.

“I turn out the fucking lights so what? You’re a fucking big kid now start acting like one!” He yelled with so much angry.

“ You’re an asshole you know that, you have no fucking idea what it is like to have this fucking fear” I yelled back.

“ Well if your so fucking scared come over here and turn the lights back on,” He said

And just like that, the war had begun.

Again sorry for the short chapters. Thanks for the reivew. Review?
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