Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

One Of Us Is Leaving This Room

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-28 - Updated: 2010-03-01 - 539 words - Complete

He wanted me to turn the lights back on, I bet he plan this whole thing out. I just slid down the wall next to the door; the light switch was right side of the room. I could not make it over there without going insane again; my body would not let me get up from the floor. I wanted to cry I needed to scream but I just kept sitting there.

“You must not want the lights back on that bad,” He said

“Shut up already damn it. You have no fucking idea what it is like to be me. “I replied in angry

“You have no damn idea what it is like to be me either,” He said while still standing at the other side.

“I never fucking said I did. You are the one who started this whole damn thing by turning out the lights. “I replied.

If I did not have this fucking fear, I would not be sitting in this room with this asshole. I wanted out already I wanted to be free from this room, a nurse lady finally came to check on us only to be told that the lights were still out and that I would have to stay in a little bit longer.

“You know what I tried of this fucking game we’re playing I’ll turn on the damn lights just so you’ll shut up” He said before turning on the lights.

As soon as the lights came back on, I ran back to the other side of the room far away from him as possible. I would not lie I was happy he turn the lights back on but I still hated him. I have no idea why I started to talk his; I wanted to leave this room so I would be way from him.

“Are you happy now the lights are on” He said smarty

“Thank you so fucking much” I replied smarty

“I did a nice thing and you still want to be an asshole,” He said while looking at me.

“Me an asshole you’re the one who turn on the damn lights in the first place, if you would have not done that we would not be talking,” I said again in angry

“Whatever you don’t won’t to be nice and I do not won’t to be nice so lets not talk to each other, that solves the whole problem” He replied

“Good the less I have to talk to you the better” I said.

I wanted him to be gone already I did not care staying in this room but with him I did. It is not my fault I have a fear of the dark I never plan on having this fear in the first place. I did not know why I was so scared of the dark, all the nurse and therapist ask my why am I so afraid of the dark I never have an answer for them cause I do not know. However, as of right now all I know is one of us is leaving this room very soon.

Thanks for the review :] I will update again since this is short. Review?
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