Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

And I Thought I had It Bad

by xFamousLivingDeadx 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-28 - Updated: 2010-03-01 - 563 words - Complete

Four days has gone by since I came into this room. Nurse would bring us food but I never really eat, I was still thinking of a way to get out of this room. No one has said a word I was loving it if this kept up then I would forget about leaving. A part of me wanted to get to know him to see who he really is, but every time we talk into turns into a fight. I just kept sitting up against the wall waiting for the door to open.

“Look I’m sorry for what I did,” He said while breaking the silent

I was taken back a little I did not really believe him I wanted to something told me he was telling the truth but I still did not trust him.

“I’m sorry for too for yelling and anything else I did,” I replied truthfully

“So what’s your name?” He ask while looking at me

“Frank. Yours,” I ask

“Gerard. If you do not mind me asking why are you afraid of the dark,” He ask

“Honesty I did not know. I always been afraid of the dark, I never understood why” I replied

I always wonder why I was afraid the dark most people who are their little kids who sleep with a night light it is not every day some teenager is afraid of the dark.

“Do you have anymore fears?” He asks

“I hate being touch and I hate being along with strange people” I replied

I always hated people touching me it’s my body I don’t won’t no body to touch me who don’t know. I fear that something might happen if someone touches me so it is best not to touch me, or I will go insane. Never leave me along with strange people I always fear I would be taking away by someone, large crowds for people scare me I cannot stand it.

“And I thought I had it bad, I guess every one has fears I’m afraid to sleep thinking something might happen and there’s nothing I can do” Gerard said while looking at me.

“Besides seeing your parents die in your dreams have you ever dream of something else like that’ I ask in hoping he didn’t mind me asking.

“I had a best friend name Isabella. She and I were always with each other I could tell her anything and she would never judge or tell a soul. I dream that she killed her self by drowning her self, I never thought nothing about it I thought it was just a dream. The next day I went to her house to see the police cars and ambulances everywhere. Once I got there, I ask someone what happen and someone said her parents found her in the pool dead, she killed her self by drowning herself. “He said while tears going down his cheeks.

My heart drop I felt so bad for him it has to be hard dreaming of someone you know and love die, knowing it is really going to happen until it does. Part of me wanted to go every there and hug him but my fear was getting in the way, all I could do was sit there without saying a word.

Second Update. Review?
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