Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Not Going Insane

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-02 - Updated: 2010-03-03 - 442 words - Complete

Silent was all around us no one else said a word. I had no idea what to say I will not lie I did feel bad for him it must be hard watching people you love die. However, I could not help but wonder why I did not go crazy Gerard is a strange and yet I did nothing. All I was caring about what not turning the lights back off but I still did not understand. Maybe because I knew he would not hurt me I had no idea why I thought that but something deep inside me was telling me not to be afraid.

“I did not know what to say,” I said while trying to break the silent

“It’s alright it’s just something I’ve grown to live with,” He replied

“I wish I could live with my fears and not have them take over my life,” I mumble to myself

“I have a question,” He said

“Ask away” I replied

“You told me one of your fears was strangers well I’m a stranger why haven’t you’ve gone insane” He ask while looking at me.

I feel like I tried to answer that question already but got nowhere. It is not that I am sad that I did not go insane for the first time I did not go insane if only I could fine the answer why I would be a happy person right now.

“ Honesty I have no idea why I find it weird myself, I guess since I talk to you and got to know you a little bit your no longer a stranger” I replied.

“I do not won’t to make you feel like you have to be scared of me. I’m sorry for being mean early I have no idea why I acted like that,” He said while looking down

“It’s alright being in this room will make you mean or insane like me,” I said while laughing a little.

For the first time I was happy being in this room Gerard and I were getting along, it was nice to talk to someone who did not think you are insane even though you really were. I still did not understand why I felt this way around Gerard it kind of scared me a little but I was not letting that get to me. Gerard and I kept talking I started to like talking to him, even though I did not trust him, but I also knew deep down he would not hurt me.

Will update again since this is way short. Thanks for the reivews
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