Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Not A Stranger

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-02 - Updated: 2010-03-03 - 630 words - Complete

Two days later Gerard and I finally got to leave the room, all the power was back on now. I was somewhat sad of leaving I did not think I would ever see Gerard again which made me sad. I did not understand it I was supposed to be afraid of strangers not start to like them, but with Gerard, it was different. I was happy to be back in my own room have my own bed.

For three days, I have not left my room I was afraid the power would go back out, I kept thinking about Gerard wondering if he was all right. Not being able to sleep is hard just like being afraid of the dark is hard. After laying on my bed I finally got up and headed out, we can go out anytime we want unless you are super insane then your lock in your room. There are different floors at the asylum the top floor is for people like me that are not really insane are still normal. The first floor is the really insane the kind of people who rock back and forth in a corner whispering I’m not crazy until someone believes them.

I headed towards the sun deck we have no one has tried to jump off the walls I’m not saying no one has tried though. I open the door to find Gerard sitting on top of the wall, I wanted to walk over there but part of me started to fear since he was kind of a stranger. I stood there not knowing what I should do before I knew I was walking towards him I could not tell you how I got here but once I reach him I sit down a few inches away from him.

“Hey” I whisper out

“Hi. So you still see me as a stranger,” He ask while looking at me

“Not really I mean I can’t say I trust you I barely know you, but I’m trying” I replied

“I understand that. So how’ve you been?” He ask

“Alright I guess I haven’t left my room for three days. I’ve been scared the lights will go back out” I said while looking out towards the sunset.

“I don’t believe the lights will go out anytime soon. Have you ever wanted to get over your fear?” He said

“Always Every since I became afraid of the dark I wanted to get better but I never tried too. I guess having this fear and my other fears I just got use to them. Have you ever thought about trying to sleep?” I ask

“Every minute I’m sitting in my room I try to fall asleep but it’s like my body wakes me back up. I fear I will dream of something and there is nothing I can do. I never thought sleeping would be my fear I have a fear of needles but sleeping that sounds stupid” He replied while looking right at me.

To be honest that did not sound stupid being afraid of the dark is more stupid, being afraid of having the lights turn off because I’m afraid of the fucking dark. I would have fear of sleeping any day better then having my fears.

“That’s not stupid being afraid of the dark and being touch by people is. Praying every minute the lights will stay on so I can be at peace but I never knew what being a peace is. Being afraid of strangers is beyond more stupid. “I said.

“Do you still see me as a stranger?” He asks while looking at me.

For the first time I wanted to say no.

Second Update. Review?
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