Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Maybe I Should

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-10 - Updated: 2010-03-11 - 521 words - Complete

I wanted to say no my mind scream no but my fear was yelling yes. He looks at me as if he was waiting for an answer there was only one problem I had no answer. I could not lie I would not feel right, I wanted to run away I needed to run away. I got off the top of the wall and started to run I could not let this feeling get to me. I could hear him calling my name I just ran faster but my mind was telling me to stop I did not know what to do so I just stop.

“I’m sorry if I said anything to upset you I did not mean too,” He said while looking at me.

“It wasn’t you it was the question you ask me. For some reason I wanted to say no but I could not. I never felt this way in my whole life. I hardly even know you and yet I want to trust you that scares me to death” I replied while looking at him.

“I can’t imagine what you’re going through if I were you it would scare me too. Maybe because you open so much to me you are starting to trust me and it is scaring you. “He said.

“It is scaring me I never in my whole life trusted no one not even my parents and here I am talking to some guy I hardly even know and I trust him? That’s not me I’m Frank the guy whose afraid of the fucking dark. “I yelled out.

“I’m sorry this is happening to you but there’s nothing I can do. I can’t tell you to stop this trust feeling you have for me it does not work that way, maybe we should just stop talking to each other so you’ll be the normal Frank again” He said while walking away.

In that, moment I felt bad I never meant for him to feel like this was his entire fault when it is not. I know he cannot help what I feel, this trust thing is scaring me and I have no idea how to deal with it. Without thinking, I ran towards him I got in front of him and grab his hand.

“You’re touching me,” He whisper

I froze I touch his hand I think I have gone insane I never let anyone touch me much less me touch them. I quickly let go of his hand now I am the one who needs to run away. I had no idea what to say or what I should do. I never had this happen to me before I hate what his doing to me for it was this trust thing and now I am grabbing his hand for no reason. I cannot move it's like my body forgot how to move.

" Why are you still standing there? You should go insane already" He replied.

Maybe going insane is the best way out.

Sorry for shortness. Thanks for the reviews. Review?
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