Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Just Forget Everything

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-10 - Updated: 2010-03-11 - 454 words - Complete

Maybe this whole thing was a dream I mean lets face I never done this before, I never talk to some stranger I never grab some strangers hand, so I should wake up any minute now right? Then why was I still standing there I should be waking up any minute now. I guess I could tell myself it was all a bad dream but I realize it was no dream.

“Why am I doing this,” I whisper more like to myself

“I have no idea but now you’re starting to scare me,” He said. I guess he heard what I said. His scared his not the one who fears touching people.

“You’re scared I’m the one who’s trying to convince myself that this is all a dream. I’m the one who does not touch people,” I replied in angry. I was not angry at him I was angry with myself for letting this happen.

“I know you don’t touch people I understand that. So why did you grab my hand like that?” He asks while looking at me.

Another answer I could not answer I had a feeling this happen before having a question I could not answer that is what started this whole thing. If I could just have lied to him then I would not be here right now, or better yet I should have never talk to him, better yet I should have never gone insane and have this stupid fears so I would not be here at all, so in the end this is all my fault.

“I do not know if I knew I would not be here right now. Maybe I’m just insane and I do stupid things for no reason” I replied.

“Look I can see this is scaring you and you have no idea why this happen. Lets just go on like nothing ever happen and no longer talk to each other we can forget and move on” He said as he walk away.

That was one way to deal with it he was right through I should just move on in what I call my life and act like nothing ever happen. I could live my life as if nothing ever happen it was mistake I should have not grab his hand I should not have started to talk to him, this would be easy.

I started walking back to my room I just had to forget everything that happen within the last couple of days, I also had to forget about him, I could do this even though deep down this was going to kill me.

Second Update since the last one was way short. Review?
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