Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Forgetting Is Never Easy

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-28 - Updated: 2010-03-29 - 525 words - Complete

I could forget everything that happen in my life if would ask to forget about something I would, but forgetting about Gerard would never happen. Thinking that day, I would just forget everything that we talk about I would forget about his face, his hazel eyes and pale skin. I never had this happen before I never in my life felt this way. I was supposed to hate strangers not start to like them. If someone told me this would happen, I would think they were insane but now that it did, I never wanted this feeling to go away.

This whole thing was scaring me I have no idea what I should do. Being afraid of strangers is not a fear that goes away just like that, but with him, I did not see him as a stranger I guess that scared me. I still see my parents as stranger because they never came to visit me never came to show they at least cared. I see the nurse as stranger and I known them longer before Gerard.

It has been four days since I was suppose to forget all about Gerard, I have been laying on my bed hoping the power would go out so I would go insane so I could see Gerard. My luck I would not go back to the same room the nurse put me in. Feeling this way is not right I should do as he said just forget all about him and move on.

Move on and go back to my life before I ever met Gerard. To be honest I forgot what my life was like before him I never thought about my fears I never worried about the power going out as much, every day I would look forward to going outside to talk to Gerard. Now everyday all I do is sit in my room trying to forget everything about him.

How can you forget someone who you started to open up too started to let in, thinking this was what I always wanted you never wanted to let it go. Then one day that person tells you to forget all about them to move on act like nothing ever happen, thinking you can forget but you are far from wrong.

I could forget what day it is I could forget about the time, I could forget every bad thing that happen to me but forgetting about Gerard is something I cannot do. I decided to head to the sun deck in four days I need to stop thinking about all of this; I head towards the glass doors to the sun deck.

Once I get there, I open the doors thinking no one would be out here but as soon as I look up, I see Gerard on top of the wall sitting. I could not move my mind was yelling for me to leave I was going to leave when Gerard turn around and saw me. In that moment for the first, time my heart stop.

Sorry for the long wait, and short update. I've been beyond busy. Thanks for the reivew
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