Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Don't Go Insane

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-02 - Updated: 2010-04-03 - 565 words - Complete

Any moment I would turn around to run away to act like I never came out here but that moment never came. Gerard just look at me as if he wanted to say something but fear was keeping he back from speaking, I wanted to talk as well but again I was afraid. He told me we should just forget everything but it was killing me inside to act as if I never knew him that’s was scared me. Having this feeling that I never had before comes every time I see him; I was never supposed to feel this way.

“I’ll leave if you want me to,” I whisper enough for him to hear me.

“No don’t leave stay,” He replied while still looking at me.

I was towards the wall I sit down inches away from him I did not know if he would want to sit close to him or not. I should not be sitting here anyway this is wrong I should not be feeling this way, I needed to leave I had to leave.

“No I should leave I need to leave,” I said while getting down.

“Please don’t leave don’t let fear get to you. Fight it”,” He pleaded

“This isn’t right I should not be feeling like this. I just need to do as you said act like we never met” I replied.

My mind was yelling for me to leave but my heart was screaming for me to stay I was torn of what I should really do. For some strange reason I felt safe when I was with Gerard I could not explain it, but I should not feel that way. I should not feel safe with some stranger I hardly even know, I hated having this fear it was like there was two sides of me the normal Frank that I try so hard to be and the insane Frank that I wanted that part to die.

“I’m sorry I wish I would have never said that. I want you to stay and I knew deep down so do you. Don’t be afraid of me I would never hurt you” He said with pleading eyes.

I look into his eyes my heat again stop it was strange I had feelings I never had before it was beyond scary but at the same time, I felt safe with him. I think I did believe him I had no clue why or even if I did but deep down I wanted to believe but fear was taking over.

“I want to believe you but my fear it taking over, I want this to go away,” I said with sadness

He jump down from the top of the wall and stood in front me, I had no clue what he was going down my mind was racing with thoughts I knew any minute I was going to go insane by my fear taking over.

“I want to show you I would never hurt you, can I show you” He asks

“How” I whisper

“Whatever you do, do not go insane” He replied before coming closer to me.

I was about to asks why he was coming closer I felt my hands start to shake but before I could do or say anything he hug me.

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