Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Stay Clam

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-16 - Updated: 2010-04-17 - 540 words - Complete

A million thoughts was going through my mind, my heart felt like it was just going jump out any moment. My head was against his chest right near his heart I could hear his heartbeat it was beating normally like mine should be. His arms wrapped around my waist he was not hugging me tight just softly my mind was telling me to go insane that this was not right, but my body was relax I was relaxing. This was all new to me I never had someone hug me to were I did not go insane no stranger of someone I knew has every done this, I did not know if I should feel scare or feel happy.

“Do you want me to let go,” He ask in a whisper

Did I want him to let go I had no idea part of me wanted to say yes but the other part wanted him to keep hugging me and never let go. I just kept silent I was lost of what I wanted him to do this was not like me.

“I take it you don’t won’t me to,” He said

“Not right now I want to know if I can make it,” I whisper

He did not say another word he just kept hugging me I wanted this to last forever but fear was taking over, I needed to go insane I had to I was do when someone touches me, but with him hugging me I felt safe I felt like nothing was going to hurt me. I kept listening to his heart beating it was keeping me calm something I never felt when someone was touching me, I was slowly starting to like this feeling.

I had no idea how long he was hugging I lost track of time I did not care all I was caring about was not going insane. He slowly started to rub my back that made me jump a little but I did not let it show I was somewhat scared. This was all new to me I never had someone make me feel like this, I wanted to be happy that someone finally made me feel safe or at least I think I felt safe. The fear was still with me it would not leave me no matter how hard I tried.

“I can let go of you anytime you want,” He said while breaking the silent

“I know but I’m not ready,” I whisper out

It was true I was not ready to let go I wanted to make it through this I wanted this fear of strangers touching me gone; it has taken over my life. Changing also scared me I never thought about changing until now I always thought I would just live with this fear forever. Having him hug me was a big step for me I still cannot believe I have not gone insane yet, I was still waiting though. However, for now I slowly close my eyes and just tried to stay calm

Sorry for the long wait, this week has been a bad week. So here's a short update, just give me time to upload more. Thanks for the reviews.
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