Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Fear's Just Doesn't Go Away

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-17 - Updated: 2010-04-18 - 562 words - Complete

Time seem like it stood still I forgot about everything around me, but I have not forgot about my fear. My fear was eating me up inside scream for me to just run away and never look back. My body was not listening to my mind I was still in his arms, I have not moved. Being this close to someone did scare me but I was trying so hard to push my fear away. The question that he ask me before still runs through my mind did I trust him? I only have known him for a week or even longer then that, but trusting someone is a big deal. If you trust someone, it means you trust them with everything knowing they would never do anything to hurt that trust you have for that person. I have never trusted anymore before I do not know if I could trust him, I want to so badly but fear always gets in my way.

“Still not wanting me to let go?” He asks while breaking me from my thoughts

“No I’m not ready I made it this far I want my fears to be gone,” I whisper enough for him to hear me.

“Do you think by me hugging you will make your fears go away,” He ask while still holding on to me.

Honesty I did I thought by him hugging me would just make every fear I had go away; I could be a normal boy. I am slowly starting to see that just by hugging does not make my fears go away, one could hope right.

“Yes,” I whisper hoping he would not hear me this time.

“I cannot make that happen I can only show you I would never hurt you, that hoping one day you would see I would never hurt you. If only by hugging people makes everyone fears go away, then it would make the world a better place but sadly it does not happen like that,” He replied.

It was true no one can just hug you to and make all your fears go away, if that was true then everyone would never have fears, which to me would be wonderful.

“I never had someone hug me before to were I did not go insane. You’re the only person who hug me and I’m still normal I have not gone insane,” I said

“Maybe because I’m showing you I would never hurt you. Other people have not shown you that so you fear people, you fear being touch thinking in some way it will hurt you. By having someone show you, that they would never hurt you scares you but you stay calm, thinking you will give it a try. And before you know it for the first time you have not gone insane,” He said while still hugging me.

He was right he was beyond right every word he said was true. No one has every shown me that they would never hurt me, I guess by doing that I fear people, I fear being touch thinking I will get hurt in some way. Maybe these fear was all in my head that really there was nothing to fear at all, maybe I just needed someone to show me that having this fear was just all in my head.
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