Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Don't Take Me Away

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-17 - Updated: 2010-04-18 - 574 words - Complete

Two days have gone since Gerard has hugged me. To be honest I never wanted to leave his arms I made it without freaking out I could not believe it. I was laying on bed it was happing again the storm was back. I knew any second the power was going to go out, I could feel inside of me. I sat up on my bed eyeing the door as soon as the power was going to go off I was going insane. Then it happen the lights went off I could feel my hands start to shake I could fee my heart beating with ever beat, and just like that I went insane.

I bang on the doors as loud as I could my hands started to hurt from all the beating I was doing but I did not care. I started to kick the door hoping I could break it down but sadly, I am not the strong. That did not stop me one-way or another I was going to leave this room.

The door was made out of wood I could hear the wood start to crake a little but I was not the strong to break it down. I could hear the nurse outside of my door yelling for me to stop I was not going to stop until I was out of my room. I heard the nurse trying to open the door once the door was open I was gone I ran I had to find somewhere safe. I had no idea where I was running to I just knew I had to find some kind of light.

I heard the voices of the nurses behind me yelling for me to come back I was not going back towards them, I ran down a hallway I haven’t really been down I kept running to where my feet was taking me. I saw one door open a little I ran towards the door once I got there I look inside to see Gerard. I ran inside without thinking I just wanted to be somewhere safe.

“Frank what’s wrong?” He asks me while standing up.

“Power as gone out I was alone in the dark, I went insane the nurses started chasing me,” I said trying to catch me breath.

Just then I heard the nurses outside of Gerard’s door I did not won’t to leave, they would send me back to the room I did not won’t to go back.

“Please don’t let them take me” I whisper to him.

Gerard walk outside of his room I was once again left alone in the door I would go insane again if he did not come back soon. I got closer to the door to try to hear what he was saying; few seconds later he came back in.

“Their going to take me way their going to send me back to the room, I do not won’t to go please don’t let them take me” I pleaded to Gerard.

“No their not I promise I talk them into letting you stay I told them how you felt safe with me” He replied while looking at me.

Without thinking I hug him I was taken back of what I did but I no longer cared I finally knew he would never hurt me, I felt safe in his arms.

Second update. Review?
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