Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Trust No One

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-18 - Updated: 2010-04-18 - 597 words - Complete

Hours have past since the power has gone out; I was still in Gerard’s room. I would not leave I did not wont to leave I started to like being with him. He made me feel safe for the first time I have felt safe I started to love that feeling. I could hear people walking down the hallway I knew they were coming for me telling me I had to leave already, just then the door open.

“Come on Frank it’s time to leave,” The nurse lady said

“NO! I don’t won’t to leave,” I yelled

“Frank you cannot stay in here you know that,” The nurse replied.

I hug Gerard tight I did not won’t to leave I felt safe with him if I go back to my room I would not have that feeling.

“Please don’t let them take me,” I pleaded while looking at Gerard.

“There’s nothing I can do Frank I’m sorry, please don’t be mad,” He said while looking at me.

“You promise you would not let them take me away, you broke your promise,” I yelled at him.

Gerard promise he would not let them take me away he fucking promise I knew I should have never trusted him I hate myself for letting that happen. You should never trust anyone they always break your trust.

“I’m sorry Frank but you have to go back to your room, I wish you could stay I really do.” He replied while looking at me.

“Lair! You lied to me I hate you,” I scream as the nurse started dragging me away.

“You don’t mean that. I’m sorry please forgive me,” He whisper

“I hate you I fucking wish I never meant you,” I scream once again. I broke free from the nurse’s grip I ran towards back to my room. In this point in time I no longer cared about the power being off, I just wanted away from him.

I ran back into my room and slam the door, I had so much angry in me. He fucking promises me he would not let them take me away but he goes and breaks his promise. I knew were I was going back into the fucking room were the always make sure there is light in the room, why they cannot do that for the while building I have no fucking idea. This whole place is screwed up I wanted to leave I want to be away from him.

For the first time I trusted someone and he goes breaks his promise. I lay on my bed I started to cry. I just wanted to cry I was so angry and hurt. I no longer wanted to see him I no longer wanted to be in his arms that always made me feel safe. Maybe I should just ask if I could be taking to a different asylum that way I would no longer see him anymore. I could never trust him again he broke his promise how could I? How could I let myself trust someone, I never trusted someone I should have never let my guard down. I knew what I had to do I had to leave this place I needed to leave this asylum that way I could never see him again and that way I would learn to never trust anyone else again, and to think I was starting to fall for him.

Another short update. I may update again. Thanks for the reviews
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