Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hello Angel

The Asylum

by SoQuicklyTheyFall 8 reviews

I wanted to know more about him.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2010-03-21 - Updated: 2010-03-21 - 779 words


[Gerard's POV]

I stepped out into the crisp night air, my hair ruffled by the light breeze. The entire neighborhood had been swallowed by the darkened sky and a calming silence filled the area. I began my journey to the Asylum, my feet thudding lightly against the pavement, disrupting the quiet of the night. My head twitched and I blinked rapidly, this always happens when I need to feed. I've been deprived of a meal for 3 days now and it was starting to affect me. I strolled pass the home of my new neighbors, and images of the red-haired girl automatically flood my brain. I pictured her pale, white skin. Oh, how much I wanted to touch it. How much I wanted to taste it. And how much I wanted to make her bleed.

I buried my hands deep in my pockets and continued down the familiar path, breathing in big huffs of the strong essence. I quickened my pace, dodging trees and shrubs as I cut through the forest. I could hear the beat of the music and I knew I was nearing my destination. The large brick building soon came into view. I pushed open the heavy door, a coppery scent filling my lungs. Despite the weather outside, the club was very heated. I crammed through the sea of dancing bodies, making my way towards cellar. My rapid blinking continued – the neon lights and masses of people disappearing only for a split second – when I opened my eyes again, I was faced with the slender silhouette of Destra.

"Hello Gerard" she said, her violet orbs piercing into mine.

"Hello" I replied to her.

"Wanna dance?" she asked, snaking her arms around my neck. Normally I'd say no, but I don't exactly want to get on Destra's bad side. She is the clan leader's daughter. Pissing her off is like digging your own grave. I simply nodded and she pulled me into the sea of vampires.

[Haven's POV]

The walls were plain white, with a single red line going across the center. The floors were a black wood matching the trimmings along the top and bottom of the walls. Most of my things were already there. My dresser was placed in the far corner, and directly across from it was my desk. The bed was on a platform on the opposite wall with my beloved guitar placed on top of it. I went over to my bed and picked it up, strumming it a few times before playing a familiar tune. I hummed the lyrics to myself, purposely not singing them.

"How's the unpacking going?" my mom asked, appearing in the door way.

"It's fine" I said simply, putting my guitar back in its original position.

"Doesn't seem like you've done much" she gestured to the stacks of unopened boxes on the floor.

"I'll get to it eventually"

"Okay... I'm almost done with dinner, so when you're ready you can come down"

I nodded and she left without another word. Although it might not come across that way, my mother and I have a great relationship. She's one of the kindest and most understanding people I know. She is not judgemental, and will accept people for who they are. My older brother, Lucas, came out to her about a year ago. She was completely fine with it and never treated him any differently. Dad on the other hand was furious and said that Lucas was a failure of a son. Lucas moved out a few months after that. He couldn't deal with Dad any more, and I don't blame him at all for leaving. He and his partner now live in an apartment together.

I made a start on unpacking the piles boxes scattered around the floor. They mostly contained clothes, books, CDs and things that I forgot I even had. I was shivering a little from the chilled air running through the room. I went over to my window. It was open, allowing the cool air to rush in and brush over my skin. The sun had set and the sky had darkened, placing a luminous glow over the already creepy neighborhood. Directly across from my window was a grey house. It had very few windows and little detail. Clean and simple but I still found it interesting. I looked over at the window, the same one that the pale man had been behind earlier that day. I remember the way he looked at me. How he stared me down. It was so strange yet, so intriguing. I wanted to know more about him.


Please review and tell me what you think.
I'll update soon.
- Ally
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