Categories > Celebrities > Aerosmith > Use Somebody

She's Back

by aerosmith14 2 reviews


Category: Aerosmith - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2010-04-06 - Updated: 2010-04-07 - 269 words - Complete

Week Later
It's a normal day. Joe is at the studio with the guys, the boys are outside, and Cyrinda is talking on the phone to Kourtney, who is at college. She's at college in New York and is going to visit later that week. The front door opened and closed.
"Oh well I got to go, the boys are back inside and they are probably going to need me"
"Okay bye mom" Kourtney cheerfully said over the other line
"Bye" Cyrinda said before hanging up
"Hey mom would you mind if I stayed at a friends house tonight?" Ashton asked
"Don't ask me."
"Who do I ask?"
She gave him a look.
"Right" He said before walking to the living room. She watched him walk away. I love my boys

An Hour Later
Ashton, Mark, and Cyrinda were sitting on the couch in the living room watching tv.
"When is dad coming home?" Ashton asked
"I don't know. This is like the tenth time you've asked me this question." She sighed
"Oh well I was just wondering" He mumbled
Someone began knocking on the door. She got up from the couch to go answer the door. She opened the door. A woman with dark brown hair stood on the door step. She had a smirk on her face.
"Can I help you?" Cyrinda asked
The woman pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Cyrinda's face.
"Do you know who I am?" She asked.
Cyrinda shook her head
"I'm Erica" She evilly said "Jared's daughter"
She's back

Ugh this chapter is horrible and short. Just admit it lol
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