Categories > Movies > High School Musical > Start of Something New

Chapter 8 - A Series of Unfortunate Events - Part I

by starlightmint 0 reviews

Continuing adventures of Zanessa

Category: High School Musical - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-04-21 - Updated: 2006-04-21 - 1436 words

Disclaimer: It's probably obvious, but I don't own any of the HSM characters or the cast or their related stuff. Also, though this story involves the names of real people, it is a complete work of fiction in terms of characterization and plot.


Chapter 8 - A Series of Unfortunate Events

Part I

5:30 is too early to be awake.

With a sports bag slung over her shoulder, Vanessa opened her hotel room door and stepped into the hallway, yawning. Almost the full cast would be going out to the high school for the whole day to rehearse the final dance sequence.

And I got hardly any sleep thanks to some guy and his little adventures.

She smiled at the memory, remembering Zac's kiss.

Well-I guess it wasn't all bad.

Suddenly, the elevator dinged. Her heart lifted in anticipation-and then dropped suddenly when Lucas stepped out.

"Hey, there you are." He looked relieved to see her. "We've been waiting for you to come down."

"Yeah, I was just about to go."

"Good, because I've got to talk to you, ," he said, walking with her to the stairs exit. "I talked to Ashley, and you're so going to want to know..."

His voice died out when he saw Zac suddenly emerge from the elevator.

Her heart jumped up again. Hey. She waved.

But it was funny. Though he smiled at her, it seemed like Zac's jaw had tightened when he caught sight of Lucas there with her.

Quit it-it's early.

"Morning, guys," said Zac, coming to meet them. His voice still sounded hoarse from sleep. "Ready for a workout?"

She smiled playfully. "Yeah, nothing like a twelve-hour intensive dance practice to start your day."

He grinned, and they looked at each other for a moment, the memory of the past evening passing between them. But Lucas looked uncertainly from Vanessa and Zac. Suddenly, he spoke in an overly loud voice. "Yeah... and we'd better get down to the van or else we'll miss it."

He hit the stair exit door open and then held it expectantly, gesturing for them to go ahead of him. His motions seemed unusually sharp.

Vanessa shot a look at him. Luke-that was rude.

"I... guess we should go." Zac gave Vanessa a brief puzzled look before he headed down the stairs first. Turning, Vanessa shot Lucas her own look of confusion.

"Luke," she whispered urgently. "What is going on?"

His face looked troubled. "No time right now. I'll tell you in the van."

A lineup of vans was parked in the front hotel driveway, waiting for them in the bright morning sunlight. She could see Monique sitting in the front van and waved.

Zac grabbed her hand, grinning. "Come sit with me over here," he said pulling her toward the second van, where Ashley and Corbin were waiting.

Except-Lucas had already grabbed her other hand and was pulling her toward Monique.

"Uh, guys," she said, lurching forward. "This is kind of uncomfortable."

Turning, they both blanched and suddenly dropped her hands. Zac looked apologetic. He opened his mouth to speak but Lucas cut him off, looking serious.

"Nessa-you should really come sit with me." Lucas's eyes had fixed firmly on hers. He gripped her hand again. "I've really got to talk to you about something. It's-important."

No way.

But before she could object, he was off again. She yelped as he hauled her into the backseat of the first van, shoving her into the far corner and jumping in after her. "Lucas, let me go! This is nuts!"

She tried to get out but Lucas held her in. She whacked him hard on the arm.

"Ow!" he cried.

Zac followed tentatively, looking even more confused. "Well... I guess I can come sit with you here then."

He tried to get in the sliding door but Lucas stuck his arm out. "Uh-there's no room."

Oh come on!

"Zac, there is room," fired Vanessa indignantly. "It's just Lucas, me and Monique. There's one extra space-"

"Olesya!" Lucas suddenly yelled. At the front door, they could see Olesya arrive. She waved and ran over to join them eagerly. Lucas lifted his hand and she squeezed into the van.

This time, Vanessa wasn't imagining it. Zac's jaw definitely looked tight.

She tried to catch his eye. I'm so sorry. I don't know what's gotten into him.

"Well, we're full now," said Lucas stiffly. "Seriously, Zac, it's fine. We'll see you in ten minutes at the school. You guys can hang out then. Don't worry about it."

And without a second thought, he slammed the door, signaling for the driver to leave.

Lucas, I am so going to kill you.

Anxiously turning back to face Zac, she mouthed, / I'm sorry/. His face wore an unreadable expression as the van pulled away from the curb. She waved apologetically until his figure faded into the distance.

Behind her, Lucas yelped again. "Ow!"

Vanessa turned around to see Monique smacking Lucas hard on the arm.

"Elegant, Lucas," said Monique, looking annoyed. "Very discreet. Next time, why don't you just set up a giant flashing billboard that says 'Zac Efron, we're talking about you in here?'"

"We are?" Olesya looked intrigued.

Lucas rubbed his arm, but his voice was firmly set. "I don't care what he thinks. The guy's a jerk. Monique, he came down to Nessa's floor when I was there. I couldn't believe it."

Monique smacked him again. "You could have been more subtle. You were like a herd of elephants. A herd of trampling elephants. And those elephants were trampling other elephants. If that's at all possible."

"Monique! Quit it." He sounded annoyed. "Look, so I was rude. I've got a sister. You can't just let guys treat girls that way. And, yeah, maybe I was a bit obvious, but it's better that we got Nessa so she knows as soon as possible. Before... anything happens."

"I /guess/." Monique still looked disgusted.


But Vanessa had whacked him this time.

"No way." She pointed a finger at him, shaking with anger. "You had better apologize to Zac when we get there. Now start talking. And this better be good."

I can't believe him.

"Well, Ness... I can't promise it'll be good." Lucas said. He looked at her tentatively. His voice suddenly went soft. "It's-actually not good at all. Are you-."

Oh come on. "Spit it out, Lucas."

The van fell into a tense silence. Lucas looked nervously at Monique. The news came out in a halting pattern.

"Nessa... Ashley said that Zac just broke up with Danielle Panabaker. And that the reason he had been going after you hardcore-was that he was on the rebound."


His words echoed in the van.

Vanessa froze, her finger still pointed at Lucas. Inside, she could feel her heart begin racing. Lucas was still talking.

"Because... Ashley said he's not over her yet. She said he wants a... distraction. Before he goes back to figure things out with her."


In the seat next to Monique, Olesya's eyes were wide. "Seriously?"

Shakily, Vanessa took a deep breath.

Be rational about this.

"He doesn't seem that broken up," she said.

"That's what I said." Lucas gave an uneasy shrug. "Ashley said that it's because he's just a laid back guy."


"Well, I went out with him yesterday." Vanessa fumbled for words. "We had an amazing time. I'm serious. And it really didn't seem like he was getting over someone."

But as the words spilled out of her mouth, they sounded more desperate than reassuring.


"Well, he kissed me," she cried out, trying to sound reasonable. "He kissed me. Would you do that if you were getting over someone? If you wanted a... distraction?"

She could hear Lucas, Monique and Olesya catch their breath. A small voice in her head whispered softly in answer to her question.

Yes, you would.

Looking up, she could see everyone thought the same.


She put her head down, her eyes seeing nothing. Something inside her felt like it was crumpling. Suddenly the memory of Zac holding her last night floated into her head. Involuntarily, she cringed.

"Well-it's ridiculous," she blurted out. "Look. I'll talk to him. There's just no way."

"I'm sorry, Ness." Lucas's voice was quiet. "He's a jerk."

No. He's not.

Yes. He is.

And with a sickening jolt, Vanessa realized that she couldn't tell which one was true.


Author's note:

Eeep... well you knew it was coming... we couldn't have Zanessa get together that easily!

Anyway-sorry for the downer, guys. Maybe you should all go back and read Chapter 7 again to cleanse the palate.
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