Categories > Celebrities > Aerosmith > Use Somebody


by aerosmith14 1 review

Another short chapter but at least I updated :)

Category: Aerosmith - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2010-04-16 - Updated: 2010-04-16 - 156 words - Complete

A month later
Cyrinda's POV

I have to go to court tomorrow. They will tell me if I am innocent or not. If I'm not, I might get the death penalty. To be honest, Why am I getting the death penalty? It's not like I went on a killing spree. The police is convinced that I killed Ashton and Erica. Like I said, why would I want to kill my son? I loved Ashton. He's a smart kid. I killed Erica for what she did to Ashton. I can't believe I couldn't attend his funeral. Now I feel horrible. I feel like I'm doing a bad job at being a mother. Maybe I do deserve getting the death penalty...

Next Day
The whole family attended the court session. They were all nervous about it. Mark has to testify. He was there when Erica attacked them. The judge banged on the gravel. Court is now in session...
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