Categories > Celebrities > Aerosmith > Use Somebody


by aerosmith14 3 reviews

Guilty or Not Guilty?

Category: Aerosmith - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2010-04-17 - Updated: 2010-04-17 - 161 words - Complete

Cyrinda's POV
Today I had court. Mark, and some friend of Erica testified. Lawyers showed some evidence. And now, it's time for the verdict.
"We the jury find Kathleen..."
My heart is beating fast. I keep thinking I'm going to be found guilty even though Erica's friend kept changing her story. I swallowed hard and payed close attention.
"... Not guilty. Court is now..."
I didn't pay attention to that last sentence. After the judge said I was not guilty, I froze. Are you serious? Not guilty? I am so happy to hear that. I looked over at the people who were trying to make me seem like a bad mom. They looked so pissed off. Especially Erica's friend. Then I turned around to face my husband and my kids. They were so happy. I got my handcuffs removed. Then I walked towards Joe and everybody else. This is a good day.

Another short chapter. Sorry about that. There's more to come :)
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