Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Not Wanting To Let Go

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-19 - Updated: 2010-04-20 - 626 words - Complete

Today was Thursday tomorrow I would have to deiced to either stay or go to a different asylum. I was going to talk to my doctor to see what asylum I would be going to if I decided to leave. Part of me wanted to leave right now and never look back the other half wanted to stay because of him. I tried so hard not to think about him but somehow he always came back into my mind, I needed to push him aside and just forget him all together. I was waiting for the doctor to come into his office, was this what I really wanted?

“Hello Frank” The doctor said while coming in.

“Hi,” I mumble

“I have a list of three different asylums for you if you deiced to leave. The first one is in California called The Towers. The second one is in New York called Woodlands. And the last one is in Florida called Wellsprings. “The doctor said while explaining each of them.

“So I have until tomorrow to deiced right,” I ask

“Yes you do. Maybe I ask why you want to leave” The doctor asks while looking at me.

I was afraid of telling him the truth I did not know how he would react. Before I knew it, I was explaining why, if this goes badly I could always go insane.

“I met someone his is Gerard. I met him when the power went out a month ago we were both lock in that room. From then on, I could never get him off my mind no matter how hard a tried. Not once had I gone insane with him other then that time in the room. After a week of knowing him he did something that made me clam he hug me. I did not go insane I could not explain why for the first time I started to trust someone. A couple of days later the power went out I ran into his room, he promise he would not let them come and get me. He broke his promise the nurse came and got me, I told him I hated him. I guess by leaving I can just forget him all together,” I said while explaining

“You know it is not his fault the nurse came and got you, he could not have done anything to stop them. I am glad you met someone it showed you was getting better. I bet Gerard does feel bad for what happen, but if you’re still wanting to leave tomorrow then you can” The doctor replied.

I just nod my head after a few minute I left his office this whole leaving thing is getting to me. I do not won’t to leave but it is for the best. The doctor maybe somewhat right but Gerard still broke his promise that promise meant a lot to me more then anything. I headed back towards my room I had no clue what I was going to do, leaving meant I would never see Gerard again which was what I wanted at first but now I’m starting to question that.

I never knew meeting someone would end up like this to be honest I never thought I would met someone, Gerard was different from all the met I have met. I never thought I would questioning if I should leave because of one person. I never thought I would meet someone who did a one point met something to me or maybe he still does meant something to me. I was torn of what I should do, leave and go on in life. Or stay and fix something that is broken.

Second Update. Thanks for the reviews
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